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falsely accused

Started by iamn00n3, Dec 31, 2005, 10:01:43 AM

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My name is Eric and I live in the state of new hampshire. I am married with two small children, both of whom i had with my wife. I had filed for a fault divorce july of this year. Four days later my wife convinced me to let her back into our home by signing over custody of the children to me. This November I withdrew my petition for divorce.

Less than two weeks later, my wife left for her parents in vermont, taking the children with her, convinced her parents of domestic violence, and returned to check herself into a battered womens shelter. She filed a domestic violence petition, and a petition for divorce.

 I have since attempted to fight the dvp, and somehow failed. My wife brought no evidence, and testified at the dvp final hearing that our marriage counselour both witnessed bruises and advised her to file the dvp. She also implicated my son's teacher trying to claim I abused my children physically.

Since the final hearing I have interviewed both the marriage counselour, and the principal of my son's school, both of whom are prepared to come to court with me to deny my wife's allegations.

 I am afraid it is too late to defend myself. I have exhausted my financial assets and now am forced to find a pro bono lawyer for the remainder or go it alone. I am terribly afraid. Please help me. I have a list of twenty direct witnesses, and still more to interview. I am so totally ignorant of this type of situation, I really don't know what to do.


this is just how twisted people manipulate the system ,
  This is temporary , And what she did was a trick period ,
  the courts hand out DV protection orders like candy to kids , As far as the DV your wife does not have to prove any thing , The court will give a protection order and all she has to do is say you did some thing to her , Thats what all the big stir is with VAWA . They are a bunch of man hateing women that have  manipulated the laws' .
 But there is hope ;
   You need to figure out what the sytem is in your state ;
  I am In Wash state , and they do what is Fairly common ,
   In My case and as usuall the court does not no wha to believe , and the court realized that with atty's representing the interest of the paying parent , that the child is being shortchanged
   SOOo the court appoints the Guardian ad Litem . and the Guardian ad Litem Will report to the court concerning the children , And In wash state thats who would be the person that you send your witnesses to ;

 And Basically the DV Protection order with the mother will stick becuase this is how people abuse the sytem , But the order concerning the children is what you need to deal with , And the GAL"s and the court have seen this before , and if you send your witnesses to the GAl and they are good as you say the GAl will report like she did inMy case . Wich said '
  Mr's XXXX Has reported to Me that Mr XXXX Has done all these things , And there is no police report or witness to any of these events And The child should have regular visitation with the Dad ;
  And If you have witnesses to the contrary you shoulkd generate a similar report to the court ,
   So what the dynamics are is this , You go to court and appoint a Guardian ad Litem On Behalf of Minor child , Act like a real adult ; And do what they ask wich will be one or two interviews , and your witnesses will go to the GAL and then a few months later the GAL will write a report . And It will be submitted to the court , ]
  You are in Luck if you read through Socrateasers Board < And posting reguirements , And post your questions accordingly ,
  Then You can also call the BAR Association , Go to child support , Look on the Web for the childrens rights council . And go to the court house and ask if there is a time when atty's help pro se litigants ,
  WITH A PEN IN HAND to write down what to do about getting low cost legal help ,
 Don't think you have lost ;
  To be honest what she has done is a typical sick move to make it all difficult for you and it doesn't work if you basicall go by what the system already has in place for these allegations , And thats a GAL In wash state ,
 As far as the protection order that wiil and did in My case stay in place , She even went to renew it in One year , But in the renwal she has to have evidence and Mypsycho did not , And the Commissioner told her he did not believe her , But as I said handed candy and renewed it ,
 But said this will be heard at trial .
    SOOOO Basically You now need  to file for divorce and Get a GAL appointed , And figure out what to do about how to file because she left the area . I personally would like to see you post that question On Socrateasers board and what His answers are because this happens many times where one parent leaves the aREA


I did post to Soc the same day and got very usefuls responses to my questions. It is unfortunate that my attorney seems to have been asleep at the wheel and let several critical things go by at the final hearing.

I however, WAS paying attention, and have been able to compile a list of the lies my wife told while on the stand. Also, one of her former freinds has come forward with information and the offer to testify to the fact that my wife HAD THIS PLANNED ALL SUMMER!!!

I file for reconsideration tomorrow morning. I am also filing a petition for contempt, since the temporary orders received at the dvp hearing granted me split holidays with the kids. I haven't seen or heard from them all weekend, so she's already slipping up.

I have to tell you though, this SUCKS!! I've never been accused of something I hadn't done, and this is so absolutely outrageous in it's intent, and the way she did it. I'm very discouraged. I have all kinds of evidence and witnesses, but according to Soc, it's all for nothing if I can't get another hearing.

My wife is apparently a very horrible person, and I was the last person to recognize it. Nobody in a position of authority seems to want to hear about all the good things I did for her, or our kids. They only seem to be interested in the bad.

This course of action is forcing me down a road I don't really want to travel. Its forcing me to rip apart, what up until recently, I thought was my dream come true. It's forcing me to learn things NOBODY should ever have to hear about someone they love.

In the end, there really won't be any winning for anybody. My poor kids are now suffering under a mother who doesn't care for them. My wife is destroying the only family that she has ever known.

And then there is me. Alone. And I AM A GOD PERSON. THIS ISN'T FAIR!

but noone seems to want to hear that. I'm supposed to get angry and fight. I'm supposed to pull a miracle out of thin air and set everything right again. I'm supposed to get mean and show the entire world what kind of person my wife really is.

but that isn't how I feel. I am crying now as I write this post. I am so very tired. My heart hurts so bad, that I wish it would all just go away. I wish I hadn't woken up in this nightmare. I WAS HAPPY! My kids were safe. What did I do wrong? I just want to fix it. Somebody PLEASE HELP ME.

The one thing I can promise you is that Iwill post to this forum as often as I can. That way someday when this is all over, maybe somebody else can learn from this awful, AWFUL mess. I am a good husband, and I am an AWESOME dad. This will be my story.

It was supposed to be a fairy tale...