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Separated 2yr- want a divorce now- how do I get it signed by judge? (PA)

Started by Snefie, Jan 13, 2006, 07:59:02 AM

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I am trying to obtain a divorce from my husband and would like to know how to get the judge to sign it. Do I make an appointment or fill out a form?

 We have been living separate and apart since October 2001.

He was served papers in 2002 but claims he never received them (I do have a copy of the papers) though he claims he would gladly sign them. I do not want to pay my lawyer any more money but am willing to pay whatever court costs necessary to get a signable copy to my "ex" and have it processed and finalized.

I would appreciate any help anyone could give me in this matter.


Didn't your lawyer explain the process to you? Presumably your husband was served properly.  Do you have any proof of service (ask your lawyer about that; it should not cost you more-- you should be furnished copies of everything that you want from your lawyer)?  I do not know the rules in PA, but the proof of service may be filed in the court.  If there is a question of service, usually there will be a hearing on it.  I suggest that you go back to your attorney and get this straightened out, or get another one (an expert).  Or, ask the court how to go about this.  They usually have people/clerks willing to help.  I believe that if you can at all afford it, get an attorney.