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Brdgett Marks on ABC new tonite....

Started by smtotwo, Jul 01, 2004, 05:42:30 AM

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Exclusive interview by Cynthia McFadden tonite.

Only heard a short snip on GMA this morning.  What I did hear was

today begins Marks' supervised 1 week visit that she has to pay for, and poor little Marks doesn'thave a job.

And now Dad may be asking for support and again she doesn't have a job poor thing.

I once again e-mailed GMA and asked them to visit this site and read about the real pain of parents who have had their children ripped away.


I am not very familiar with all the news programs and when they are on, so is it on the regular nightly news or one of those primetime news shows?



I just got home from work and am hoping it doesn't start until 9 central time, it's 8:20 now.



I'm half way through this program and I am absolutely convinced the judge made the right call on this one.  Never have I seen such a narcissitic, self centered bitch!  Two quotes stood out in my mind that this woman said.."I can't live without you"...and..."Mommy will get you back"..Now they're calling the father an "evil man" in front of the children.  Exposing these children to this fiasco will cause irreperable damage.  Three cheers for the father for not agreeing to be interviewed or commenting on it.  He seems to be protecting the children, while Bridget Marks just doesn't get it.  She just doesn't get it.


It was unbelievable what she did to those girls. I watched how the girls reacted. They were following her lead. She does not get it. The Judge made the right call. I hope the whole country saw thru her.

Any one with an e-mail address for Prime Time? I would like to commend them on a job well done. Maybe they should show what a Father goes thru. Same pain and heartbreak. They feel a great sense of  lose and it is ignored. Maybe it will open some eyes to see the other side of the stories we all have.

The Granny was doing her part too. What a mouth. No wonder those girls should be with their father.  


I personally liked ''the Princess warriors"

Those kids did not react until she lost it. AT some moments, they weren't even crying.

Another nice touch, Marks running after the car, trying to play victim to the cameras.

Having Prime Time there before the exchange took place will also burn her. Much in those recordings.

"Children learn what they live"


their news programs will all show across the top. Click on Primetime thursday.  I'm sure that there's an e-mail link.

I'm hoping if enough of us mail them, maybe they will come here and try to contact some people who have REALLY LOST their children.

Kitty C.

If no one saw what a theatrical perfomance that was, they are BLIND!!!!  I was amazed how the girls could be playing one second and open up with a wail, practically on cue!

And the moment I wanted to REALLY bitch slap that POS was when Cynthia McFadden point blank asked her if she realized that HER reactions were what prompted the girls to react and if that wasn't psychological abuse.  And she defended her actions!  This is a POS who cannot separate herself emotionally from her kids, she's lived this scenario for SO long, played it SO long, worked thedeception for SO long, she's totally lost touch with reality!

There's only one saving grace in all this.  Just pray to God that ONE day, she finally comes to realize how SHE destroyed those poor girls' lives, that she watches those clips and hangs her head in utter shame and guilt.  This POS is in SERIOUS need of psychiatric help!

You know what I AM hoping for, tho?  That the father gets the help those poor girls need and comes back to the media and shows just how well they are doing.  BUT I can guarantee you one thing:  he will NOT put them on display for the camera the way that POS did!
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......



I am contacting you in regard to the Marks case. Wonderful interview. This woman showed her true colors.

I am sad to say, that in most custody disputes, it is the mother who allienates the father. False allegations and Order of Protection are very common occurences. Fathers are fighting an up hill battle just to remain a small part in their childrens lives. Many have gone months and years with no contact.  

Would be great if you could run a story on the fathers struggle. They lose everyday in the court system. So much of what Ms. Marks spoke about, what the courts did to her, is exactly what fathers deal with on an everyday basis.

Marks attorney had one thing right, the system is very broken. There is so much bias toward men.
Many non-custodials lose contact with their children at the hands of the custodials.

Again, I Thank You, this woman is lying and I could see it in her eyes. Even watching the video tapes of the exchange, she had no remorse in what she did to her daughters.

I would like to enclose a site that is for non-custodials. I hope you take a moment to read thru some of what is there. They are for all parents, regardless of gender.
