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Dating minor

Started by swampman002, Dec 09, 2003, 10:59:04 AM

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My exwife has custody of our 15 year old daughter and gave her written consent to date a 22 year old male,Now the ex has found out the guy is a real slime and was told by my daughter that they we're sexually active the guy has since moved and constantally calls all the neighbors asking for mt daughter and she dos'nt tell them I nor her mother don't want him with her but she manages to keep in touch with him.Anyhow my question is do I still have the right to call the police and have the guy picked up for being with my minor daughter even though she won't admitt to the sex can I still have him stoped my wife wants it as well but she's afraid of the concenquinces if she dose it and my daughter knows it was her. what rights do I have in the matter?


> My exwife has custody of our 15 year old daughter
> and gave her written consent to date a 22 year old male

Ummm, I could be wrong, but I don't think mom can do that. She can't give her daughter permission to act against state law, and I'd be willing to bet that whatever state you're in, they have laws on the books that would apply here.

Indigo Mom

Stories that involved young men becoming acquainted with his shot gun.  Course he never had to use it...just them knowing he had it and will use it was good enough to scare the holy beegeebers out of 'em.

My Aunties were treated nicely on their dates.

Indigo Mom

He did use his shotgun once...to try and kill my dad.  My parents were pregnant at 16, so my Grampa decided to send my mom to a "special" home for unwed teenage mothers.  My dad was REALLY angry and kept playing baseball with my Grampas mailbox...til one day when he shot at him.  Put a hole in his friends car.


Your ex wife is a few sandwiches short of a good picnic.  Call the cops, and let the chips fall.  Sounds like a change of custody is in order.


You asked what rights do you have in this matter.  My question are what are your daughter's rights.  At 15 she has the right to have adults intervene for her in her best interests.  She has the right to be protected from older men who do not have her best interest in mind but are in it for what they selfishly get.  I realize when they both get older 7 years won't be so much.  There are 8 years between my dh and I but he was just shy of 30 and I was in my late 30s when we met.  BIG difference then.  We were both knowledgeable consenting adults.  There is no way a 15 yr old can be considered a knowledgeable, consenting adult.  Call the police and give them the name and last known address of this man.  There is only one thing I can think of that a 22 yr old wants with a 15 yr old and it isn't helping her with her homework!

*steps down off her soapbox*

For God has not given a spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind.  1 Peter 1:6


OK---I cannot even believe that you as a parent would need to ask this question.  Sorry if I sound blunt--but if you are not going to fight for this child--then who is---hmmm?  Maybe the boyfriend???  Yes--IMO -- call the cops and at least get  them to talk to him--bet he backs off real fast!
If not--then you have more charges that can be filed on him--like stalking.  The mother was a fool for giving the child permission--and to put it in writing makes her a bigger fool.. You cannot sign kids rights away--but you can be a whimp and not stand up to a 15 YO. Sounds like maybe someone needs to step up to the plate and be a parent here.
Good Luck,