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Medical bills, again

Started by catherine, Jan 27, 2006, 02:13:26 PM

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We are owed almost $300 in past medical bills.  BM is NCP and that is her portion of the bills over the last 3 years.  Several attempts have been made to receive payment with returned receipts coming back from USPS.  

The last notification was sent via delivery confirmation.  In the agreement, if past medical was not paid within 10 days of receiving the bills, compensation through the court could be obtained.  We even offered her to simply agree to a payment plan.


She has refused to pay anything without "bills", which we included with the envelope - what the provider could offer as far as record keeping of past visits and co-pays.  And we provided copies of YSS's Ritalin meds as noted below.

Also, and this is a big one, in the Spring of 2003, YSS was having major behavioural problems and almost failed Kindergarten.  After taking him to his peditrician, the ped suggested we "rule out" ADHD (what we suspected anyway).  He sent forms to us, his teachers,  and to BM.  BM refused to participate.  He was diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Ritalin.  

BM was very upset so we went further and went to a pyscharitrist and psychologist who also diagnosed YSS with ADHD (that's 3 docs now) and we all went for counselling, a couple times.  BM still refuses to recognize his problem and will not give him meds (which he doesn't need on the weekends or during the summer so that is OK).  

YSS is in grade 2 now, is still on the same small dose and is an honor roll student.  His teacher this year has experienced YSS without Ritalin (we ran out for a couple days) and she actually phoned me to ask what was up as he was out of control.  There is no doubt in our minds that he has this disorder and the meds have helped him at school immensely.

BM is refusing to pay for any of those doctor's appointments or the monthly prescription for Ritalin.

So my question to you is:

1) In your opinion, if DH ends up filing contempt, will BM be responsible for paying her portion of all bills, regardless if she "agrees" with them or not?


>So my question to you is:
>1) In your opinion, if DH ends up filing contempt, will BM be
>responsible for paying her portion of all bills, regardless if
>she "agrees" with them or not?

Reimbursement for heathcare need only be "reasonable." The child is diagnosed and prescribed medication, and it's reasonable, so the other parent owes her fair share. Period.