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medical Insurance

Started by jenjen, Jun 10, 2006, 03:11:22 PM

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state of florida

my spouse and I are in process of divorce spouse carried insurance on me and my biological children as well as there own biological children,
spouse dropped me and my children from insurance.

I went to my employer to purcase insurance and was denied because it wasnt a "life changing event" (divorce not final) and was told spouse was not to drop me and the childen while a divorce is not final.

contacted insurance company and was told they would not drop coverage because divorce is not final and especially when children are involved. I was told spouse did this via computer and to tell spouse to add us back on,  the cost is no more than what they are still and have been paying?

spouse says tough luck, and insurance wont give any more details due to hippa law (they say)

also there is a child custody investigation going on concerning one of the children we both had together.


1. should I be filing a motion for the judge to address this?

2. what can I do?

3. is this something the custody investigator should know about?


>state of florida
>my spouse and I are in process of divorce spouse carried
>insurance on me and my biological children as well as there
>own biological children,
>spouse dropped me and my children from insurance.
>I went to my employer to purcase insurance and was denied
>because it wasnt a "life changing event" (divorce not final)
>and was told spouse was not to drop me and the childen while a
>divorce is not final.
>contacted insurance company and was told they would not drop
>coverage because divorce is not final and especially when
>children are involved. I was told spouse did this via computer
>and to tell spouse to add us back on,  the cost is no more
>than what they are still and have been paying?
>spouse says tough luck, and insurance wont give any more
>details due to hippa law (they say)
>also there is a child custody investigation going on
>concerning one of the children we both had together.
>1. should I be filing a motion for the judge to address this?

File motion for temporary order to reinstate insurance, on grounds that your ex has cancelled you. If FL has an automatic restraining order that prevents any changes by either spouse except for necessities of life or in the ordinary course of business, then spouse's action dropping ins. is contempt of court and you have have him sanctioned in addition to ordered to reinstate.

There's a chance now that the insurance company may refuse to reinstate because of the same reasons why you can't get insurance from your employer yet, divorce not final. if so, then you can ask the court to order your spouse to pay out of pocket for ins. because he has caused you to not have it.

>2. what can I do?
See above.

>3. is this something the custody investigator should know

Doesn't seem particularly relevant to me, unless spouse dropped kids too. if so, then relevant.