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Get a load of this..............(Warning: It's a stomach turner)

Started by Kitty C., Nov 04, 2004, 02:30:53 PM

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Kitty C.

Just received this from ACFC:

ACFC ANALYSIS - The Fabulous Fraud of VAWA

Thanks to Manumit Exchange for spotting these astounding
admissions in the Oregonian by Bonnie Tinker, a founder of
the "women's shelter" movement.  We're not making this up,
but just quoting what Tinker herself says in the article below
(check the link provided if you have any doubt about it).

They were actually "a bunch of homeless bar dykes" who
knew that "foundations were not going to fund a house" for
them.   So they conned the foundations by calling themselves
"battered women" and claiming that men did it, and suddenly
the flood-gates opened wide.  This was 29 years ago in 1975
before lesbian feminism took over the National Organization
for Women (NOW).  Because lesbian feminism had figured
out how to con the foundations, they had all the money and
the power that went with it, which they then used it to take
over NOW, which building on the same con-artist model,
then scammed Congress into giving them $3.5 billion for
the blatantly gender biased Violence Against Women Act
(VAWA) in 1994, and it's successor VAWA II in 2000.

According to this story, the whole thing was a con-artist
fraud from the beginning by "a bunch of homeless bar dykes"
looking for a flop-house to rest their weary bones at night.
This has to be one of the most fabulous frauds in the history
of Congress, almost every Member of which immediately
proceeded to trip all over themselves to shovel long-suffering
taxpayer dollars at "a bunch of homeless bar dykes."  Small
wonder that most women who get suckered into seeking
"shelter" at one of these dens of iniquity, gets indoctrinated
into believing in the myth of "patriarchal oppression", and
solicited into a lesbian life-style.  And they are so proud of
themselves for having pulled off this fabulous con game, that
now they openly admit it in the Oregonian.  Pardon our French,
but we can only conclude that these gals are what used to be
called brazen hussies.

Anyone who doubts it should check out the link provided
with the article below.  You've got to wade through a lot of
con artist propaganda at the beginning of the article to get
to the confessions of fraud in the second half.  Of course no
man, woman or child should be abused in the home.  But
contrary to the propaganda in first half of the article, it's just
not true that the women's shelter movement provides equal
services to men, and we've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell  
anyone who buys that pack of lies.  What we really need
is a gender neutral Domestic Violence Act to replace the
fabulous fraud of VAWA, whose true purpose is revealed in
the confessions in the last half of the article.   But don't take
our word for it - the Oregonian reports, you decide.



The Oregonian
November 01, 2004

Shame ends when women speak out
by S. Renee Mitchell

Mama Mia, a new Italian restaurant in downtown Portland, welcomed a frozen parade of cardboard figures representing some of the female voices silenced by domestic violence.

The program began early, at 8am Tuesday. Several women talked about
surviving an abusive relationship.

Eventually, it was restaurant owner Lisa Schroeder's turn at the imcrophone.  The executive chef is best known for her matzo-ball soup, sweet potato and apple casserole and pot roast she serves at her other restaurant, Mother's Bistro.

Wearing her cooking whites, Schroeder began her speech with a confession:  I am a survivor of domestic violence.

"I married him because I thought he was going to kill me," she says.

Schroeder says she stayed with her abuser for 10 years, after meeting him at age 17, because she didn't believe she had a choice. "How do you explain to somebody," she says, "that you're living with someone who makes you feel like a worthless, useless piece of garbage?"

Not many people know Schroeder's personal story. But she is sharing it so women can find hope in her pain - and give money to open more shelter beds.

"Maybe when women see examples of prominent people who are survivors, they will come to realize that they don't have to put up with it," Schroeder says. "They can be successful, not only leaving the abuser, but also in their lives."

Schroeder is one of the founders of a new organization - Bridges of Hope:  Businesswomen Against Domestic Violence. The campaign is housed at Bradley-Angle House, one of the oldest women's shelters on the West Coast.

Before Bradley-Angle House opened 29 years ago, many more women in Portland just endured abuse and wallowed in despair. The mantra preached by clergy, cops and community leaders was: Keep the family together at all costs.  Sometimes, the price was death.

"We don't stay in those relationships because we're stupid or because we're masochists," says Bonnie Tinker, one of the shelter's founders. "Women who are being abused in relationships really love this person who is abusing them."

Domestic abuse isn't directed only toward women; men are victims, too.
It also shows up in same-sex relationships. In fact, it was a small group of lesbians from Portland who were at the forefront of a national movement to provide safe havens for women.

"We knew that foundations were not going to fund a house for a bunch of
homeless bar dykes," says Tinker, creator of the gay-rights advocacy group, Love Makes a Family. "We realized the language that would be understood was the language of battered women."

So with help from friends, the women opened a home in Northeast Portland.  It didn't take long before police, prisons and social-service agencies were regularly sending women to their door.

"We had a house, but we really didn't know what we were doing," Tinker said.  "We just declared ourselves a social-service agency because we needed an agency. But it was an agency that would be run by women who themselves had experienced violence."

This courageous initiative led to Tinker helping create the National
Coalition Against Domestic Violence, which designates October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The coalition, which was run out of Tinker's home for several years, is now based in Denver.

The next generation of that kind of grass-roots advocacy is Bridges of Hope.  Schroeder says she wants more high-profile women to bring domestic violence out of its cloak of shame, guilt and silence. To join, call 503-238-1672.

For more information on relationship abuse, check out Raphael House's
Web site - http://www.takecareonline.org/

And starting Thursday, a play, titled "Cornered in the Dark," reveals the
psychological aftermath of sexual violence against women. For tickets,
check out http://www.insightouttheatre.org/ or call 503-234-0973.

Finally, if you need advice, call the Portland Women's Crisis Line at
503-232-9751. Silence is never the solution.

Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


"Children learn what they live"


[font size ="+1"]I was going to post it, but it just felt like too much negativity for one day.

I could hardly keep it together after reading and responding to MYSONSDAD post on the custody board about » The Flint Journal, Editorials & Letters.

Then latter today I read the same email sent to me.  I had to read it twice and I kept checking the sender.  It seems like an email "Eric from the Firm" would send.[/font]

[em]"a bunch of homeless bar dykes" who knew that "foundations were not going to fund a house" for them. So they conned the foundations by calling themselves "battered women" and claiming that men did it, and suddenly the flood-gates opened wide. [/em]

I am going to my local OHIO P.A.C.E. web site now to get some positive news concerning the progress of the new joint custody bill/law being introduced in Ohio. Last joint custody bill here got shot down :-(

Ohioins Do you want to wait years to get equal parenting in Ohio?

For those in OHIO this is a start not and not an end!!! Mike Galluzzo's federal challenge with have a major impact on whether this ever is introduced into law. We have no idea what Magistrate Merz will rule in Mike's case and how he will approach changing Ohio's custody law. Call this the back up and another effort to better parental rights in Ohio.


Forewarned is forearmed?

"Children learn what they live"


My son and older daughter took a vote and decided they'd rather stay in a homeless shelter than deal with the crap going on at home.  So I called the domestic violence shelter, because they were right.  I had no car, I worked temp jobs, and had a boy and and 2 girls at home.

Lol, their advice to me was to hide the knives!  I tried to tell the woman  that knives weren't the problem.  They just simply couldn't accomodate us, and I guess now I know why.

What a crock of shit.   I'm showing this to my girl, because she was 17 at the time, and she still doesn't understand why no one would help.  This will explain it to her.

Wearing her cooking whites, Schroeder began her speech with a confession: I am a survivor of domestic violence.

"I married him because I thought he was going to kill me," she says.

Schroeder says she stayed with her abuser for 10 years, after meeting him at age 17, because she didn't believe she had a choice. "How do you explain to somebody," she says, "that you're living with someone who makes you feel like a worthless, useless piece of garbage?"

Not many people know Schroeder's personal story. But she is sharing it so women can find hope in her pain - and give money to open more shelter beds.

Usually Ms. Schoeder, an abuser will make a superhuman effort to hide their true colors, until after the marriage or birth of a child.  Your story smells like seven old day fish.  Been there, done that, burned the T-shirt.

Ms. Schroeder, it is "women" like you who make life impossible for the rest of us.  Go to hell, you goddamn liar.....

Mmmm, just my opinion....