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Messages - nila fordyce

Custody Issues / Re: Moving case to another state
Aug 19, 2011, 11:54:58 AM
I am sorry people, but it is never in the best interest of a child that is lovingly bonded to a good fit parent for them to be ripped away from a parent. And when this happens unfortunately, it is when one parent is very selfish (not thinking of the childs best interest at all) and wants to move thousands of miles away with the child. It is a very tragic situation in this country that some states allow this kind of thing to happen--some states worse than others--California. It is also a known fact that the Family Legal System is broken and is in desperate need of an overhaul sooner than later...The system is greedy, biased and incompetent...And it is proven that they still lean toward the mother no matter what the circumstances are. I have seen fathers taken from their beloved children just because a mother fell out of love with the father and wanted to move thousands of miles away to be with her lover. And maybe she accused him of having an erractic work schedule--so the child would be better off with her. This is what I call Legal Kidnapping and this kind of tragic and egregious thing happens all the time...It is the Family Legal System that is destroying the lives of children and devasting the parent left behind. The profound emotional impact this has on a child is life long and these very selfish parents and court system are the cause. Children thrive with both parents in their lives no matter what the marital status is--unless their is some form of abuse (real abuse) found. First of all, the move-away laws need be thrown out--no one understands them to begin with--it destroys lives of children and the so called experts that try and implement them are greedy, biased and incompetent. It is a major travesty!!! And it certainly is a no win situation with the father--besides all the money he loses.

Who ever came out with this article on this site needs their heads examined or go back to school--they don't have clue what they're talking about.
I have seen more fathers and children lives fractured by the system for NO reason or inane reasons.