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when the drama is over " then what ?

Started by gipsy, Apr 12, 2005, 08:29:37 PM

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My case Has been settled By a real judge for over one year now , And I had some other minor drama , I know many of you have read My post's , I have been through all the crap that many of you still face , But It's almost 'dd'that the drama and worry and trouble is over , I even told My atty , Heck she doesn't even seem to be  trying to cause any chaos lately , , He said "It's because all the court action is over"However I have A feeling she's going to be  a punk about my vacation time, As she was last year , And Its time for her to choose her vacation time first , And she hasn't ,  However this drama isn't even a big deal this time she knows I'll take her to court in a second any way ,  , The drama of it all is over for me , It will be buiseness as usuall , and If she doesn't cooperate The thought of another court date almost seems like the thing to do for excitement , And I usually Got something each time ,  SOOO the real question is  , Anyone deal with the lack of chaos , And it seems wierd ?, It's buiseness as usuall and I am for the most part worry free about my son ! And my visits , Again I say except for the minor crap , Since I took her to court sooo many times, she seems to have learned , And has not even tried to interfere with any of my visits , I talk to her very little at the transfer ,  And I just don't think after the whole court battle and her every allegation she could dream up,that there are any new allegations she could come up with , I guess thats the good thing about a real dip ,  I can't think of any new tricks she could try to pull ,,ANY thoughts out there on the absence of Idiot behavior?

Kitty C.

When I was going thru the BS with DS's dad (he took DS, fled from IA to CA, and it took me 6 weeks, 3 flights/court appearances, and one emerg. mediation to get him back), I felt the same way.

I got tunnel vision.....I was so hyper-focused on 'the process' that it literally changed how I looked at things.  During this process, I started dating a really nice guy.......but when it was all over completely almost a year later, we ended up breaking up.  Why?  Because I feel he saw that 'hyper-focus' as strength, and he is certainly a strong person as well.  Once it was all said and done, I didn't have to keep up the intensity, I didn't have to continuously 'be strong', I could finally let my hair down and relax.  Unfortunately, this guy had only seen me in that strength mode, that was apparently what he was attracted to in the beginning.  

So we ended up spliting because I guess I wasn't the person he thought I was.  We're still good friends and we've both married, so it all ended the way it should have anyway.

All I can tell you is don't go looking for trouble, but you still need to watch your back as well.  You know the saying........just when you relax and think everything is over, that's when the BS hits the fan.  You want to relax, but you still have to retain a little of that vigilance, just to CYA.  It can be a hard balance to find, so be patient.  And thoroughly enjoy your child in the meantime!
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


We are well known for always having some kind of drama in our lives.  If it isn't DH ex or my Ex it is some family member that is not fit to care for their child and selling crack for a living.  Or some other hairbrained tramatic thing that only happens to the truly cursed black cloud over their house people.

Lately things are mellow and I am besides myself on what to do with my time.  I am usually looking up case law or searching websites for information or anything I can dig up on the opposing side or writing up my papers to file. Tuesday is just Tuesday now and we just watch TV.  We look around and think, really??  Nothing happened today???  You didn't hear from your attorney??  Something MUST be cooking then...

What DO you do when the dust has settled??


I  Am kind of wondering where my sense of humor went' ?


You could work on that next I guess  :)