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Relocation hearing in PA

Started by Kalkir, May 30, 2009, 11:55:40 AM

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This judge knows us well, and is not ready for much more from us having just gone through a round of litigation and writing new orders less than a year ago.  If she denies me custody this summer even one time, he made it clear she will not be relocating the child. 

Since I have my son eow with one extra Saturday per month, plus every Tuesday, it will be very difficult for her to try to do anything before the hearing.  He also made it quite clear that her lack of cooperation earlier this year did not bode well for her, but he doesn't have the details since I have not filed yet.  The most encouraging aspect was that he said my son's choice would have a very large impact on the decision, and my son does NOT want to move.  I also have three more make up overnights that she owes me as penalties for the denied custody in 2006, and I will be using them this summer.

The real test will be if I offer her the same partial custody schedule that she will be offering me, would she relocate anyways?  Of course she will not, because her real objective is to change the jurisdiction and start the case all over again in hopes for a better result than she got here.  This case is 8 years old, and the judge is as sick of us as I am of going into his courtroom.

Thanks for being here, as sometimes I just need a chance to bounce ideas around and to hear supportive voices.  Meanwhile, I am listening to a lot of blues tonight and staying mellow, as all I can do is work on the things I can control and let the rest go. 

Peace and wisdom to all.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."   -Jimi Hendrix


After reading that long winded post, it occurs to me that although I answered your questions in my own mind, I may not have answered them with clarity for anyone else to read. 

So, did I move for a RO to stop an early move?

The short answer is , No.

This judge does not like heavy handed tactics and is quite confident that my ex's attorney, a specialist in relocation cases, will not let her do anything stupid like moving too soon.  To have made a move in that direction would have cost me credibility I think, and so I kept a lid on the idea today.


The disruption point that momoftwo brings up is quite valid; he has been seeing a counselor for fiver years on a weekly or biweekly basis to help him cope with the high level of hostility his mom feels for me, and with the whole effect of the divorce in general.  To end that relationship would be a large negative, since it gives him a chance to work through his issues without the pressure of parental loyalty. 

This is ironic to me, since I used to feel a few years ago that the couselor was overkill and perhaps shopuld be discontinued.  But I am glad now that my son has someone to talk this stuff through with now.

There are many other disruption issues, for example, he tests in the top one percent nationally but isa c student for the most part.  He has missed at least 25 days of school every year and it was worse when he was in a private schoool; one year he missed 45 days.  It has been one of the biggest probelms I have with her partenting style.  He has been to 6 schools in seven years, all by her choice.

I could go into all the crazy details, but I would rather not.  The big point is that the judge is aware of all this.  But I do appreciation the idea of disruption, as it is part of her pattern with him, and I will be contesting her assertion in her motion that he "has thrived under her care."