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Opinions on Child Vaccinations??...*everybody*

Started by TPK, Jan 11, 2005, 10:05:37 AM

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You're right, I think with the Tsunami, we're going to see epidemics that the world hasn't experienced in over 75 years.  Many diseases thought to be eradicated will be back with a vengeance.  With world travelers visiting the US, our population will be exposed.

Like the flu shot, vaccinations don't mean you won't get the disease.  You may get the disease BUT a very minor version of it.  I had the mumps and the chicken pox and the measles even after vaccinations.  Very minor case of each.


Here's the requirements for NY State for school, day care etc.


Seems that as of today, my child would not be able to even go to day care.

Home schooling might be an option for some people, but I don't believe in it, that's just my opinion. And as dumb as my wife seems to be, I wouldn't want my child learning anything from her.



Kat...I think your situation is different. If your son did not have a reaction then you probably would be okay with it. There are those that have reactions but each person has to weigh them out. I have heard of many people who get the flu shot and then get the flu. I have chosen NOT to get it for the girls and I because I rather take my chances since we are usually healthy and since there are so many strain sout there. BUT ...to not get any of the major ones for no apperent reason?? If she had someone in her family who had a reaction that in one thing. hmmm...well it got me thinking! :)


I think government run public schools have to make accomidations for those overly religious parents who choose not to vaccinate. Otherwise it would be considered religious discrimination. I do recall getting an extra form in my boys enrollment papers this fall. It had to be signed by a doctor, it was for children who weren't vaccinated.

That might be the loophole she needs. I hope she comes around for the sake of your daughter.


Well, some schools do allow religious and philisophical beliefs as an excuse to not vaccinate.

Those beliefs do not apply here. She is paranoid.

It's going to come down to the Judge asking the Doctor's opinion, and we all know what the doctor will suggest. This might take time, but it will be done. She'll be forced to do it if she gets custody. If I get custody it's a no brainer.



I know that this is in Nigeria but how long before it breaks out over here? I understand that this is a hot issue now but I, for one, have chosen to vaccinate my daughter.  Maybe I just got lucky because she never had a problem after getting one of her shots...I don't know.  All I know is I'd rather be safe than sorry.


WHO: World polio cases rose by a third in 2004
Increase fueled by Nigeria outbreak after vaccine boycott
Wednesday, January 12, 2005 Posted: 5:07 PM EST (2207 GMT)

GENEVA, Switzerland (AP) -- The number of worldwide polio cases last year rose by almost one-third after a vaccine boycott in Nigeria spawned a resurgence of the disease across Africa, the World Health Organization said Wednesday.

The number of cases worldwide in 2004 reached 1,185, compared with 784 in 2003, the United Nations health agency said.

Most of the cases were in Africa -- largely in Nigeria, the continent's most populous nation. Hardline Islamic clerics in Nigeria's northern Kano state led the immunization boycott, claiming the polio vaccine was part of a U.S.-led plot to render Nigeria's Muslims infertile or infect them with AIDS.

The boycott triggered an outbreak across the continent, infecting children in formerly polio-free countries and hurting WHO-led attempts to eradicate the crippling disease by December 31, 2005.

"It's slowed the efforts for sure," said Sona Bari, a spokeswoman for WHO's Polio Eradication Initiative. "It's going to take months to deal with the effects."

Amid the vaccine boycott, the Nigerian-rooted virus spread to neighbor countries including Benin, Chad and Cameroon. It also was exported farther afield, to Botswana, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Togo and even Saudi Arabia.

Vaccination programs restarted in Nigeria in July after local officials ended their 11-month boycott. WHO also boosted immunization across Africa.

Nigeria, which had 763 cases last year versus 355 the year before, is one of the six countries where polio is still considered endemic. India had 129 cases, Pakistan 46, Niger 25, Afghanistan four and Egypt one.

Polio is a waterborne disease that usually infects young children, attacking the nervous system and causing paralysis, muscular atrophy, deformation and sometimes death.

When WHO launched its anti-polio campaign in 1988, there were more than 350,000 known cases worldwide.

Polio eradication efforts now face a $100 million shortfall, largely because of the costs of responding to the Nigeria-fueled outbreak, Bari said.

However, WHO does not fear its polio campaign will lose funding because of the massive global focus on helping Asian countries hit by December's tsunami disaster.

"Our donors are on board for the long haul," Bari said.

Efforts to defeat polio also have been hampered by civil war in Ivory Coast and Sudan, both hit by the Nigerian virus, WHO said. Experts are particularly worried the virus will spread from Sudan to Ethiopia and Congo -- which also is in the grip of conflict.


>Here's the requirements for NY State for school, day care
>Seems that as of today, my child would not be able to even go
>to day care.
>Home schooling might be an option for some people, but I don't
>believe in it, that's just my opinion. And as dumb as my wife
>seems to be, I wouldn't want my child learning anything from

I'm planning on home schooling my son after seeing the BS excuses the school system has had with my SD, but my boy is still vaccinated. :)



take your child to the doctor and get the check ups and vaccinations done yourself.

Why is it only your wife's responsibility?  As the Father you have the responsibility of making sure your child gets what is needed to; not just the Mother.

So make the appointments and take her in for these things.  Many Pediatricians have evening and Saturday morning appointments if getting off work would be a problem.

I think a judge would be asking the same question too.  Or am I wrong in thinking you and your wife are still together and married?  If not, it seems there have been no custody orders or anything and even so unless specifically stated that she has all say in medical decisions, you have as much right to take your child to the doctor as she does.

So get moving and gets these done yourself.  Is it really necessary to go to court when all you have to do is pick up the phone or are you actually moving towards divorce at this stage anyways.


I am in the minority here, but I wont have my son get the chicken pox vaccine. The other ones were given when they were scheduled, I however have serious concerns about the chicken pox vaccine.

My son's dr said that decision is totally up to me, when I told him I was uncomfortable with that one. As for why I dont want the chicken pox vaccine, is I believe that is a tolerable illness for most children. I would rather have my son get it while he is young (thus the natural immunity that comes with getting them), to avoid the awful complications that can happen when an adult gets chicken pox.

My husband is not thrilled with the decision, he has never had the chicken pox as of yet (that anyone knows of dr said he could of possibly had such a mild case as a child no one noticed). Of course he knows it could be dangerous for him to get them now as an adult, and for that reason has to stay away from his own children if/when they get it (even when they get the vaccination as it is a small dose of the disease).  I just dont want to see my son in a similar situation, as an adult.

The public school can not force me to vaccinate my child, and I refuse and will continue to refuse the chicken pox vaccine.

My sd is autistic & adhd, and of course no one can know for sure how she got that way. I cant say it was vaccines, but I cant say it wasnt either. Obviously that didnt stop me from vaccinating my son, with most of the recommended vaccines, however I respect a parents right to make their own decision on whether to vaccinate or not. How the decision is made when 2 parents dissagree, I cant really help you with, but I respect her decision and yours. They both have valid points in the debate.


Because wife took child and left the state. As I said initially, if you want to hear my whole story go over to Soc's board and read. It's a very long complicated story.

It's not as easy as just doing it myself, if I could I would've already.