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Messages - StPaulieGirl

Education on facts is great, if they are really FACTS. Speculation, propaganda, and misinformation do not apply.

[p]If the quotes I posted were, as you say speculation, misinformation, and propaganda....perhaps you should take this up with the people who published the information.  I'm just bringing the news to the people.  If you find it offensive, go to the original source.

[p]Adjective, perjorative, it's all good....

[p] You're damn skippy my true colors come out!  I hate how people get away with stuff, while the small fish (you and I...and everyone else here) end up eating it.

[p]My final answer to this, is that Bush inherited the problems of the Clinton administration.  I couldn't post enough info proving this to change your mind.
General Issues / RE: total crap
Mar 07, 2004, 12:05:13 PM
Whatever have so many posts but so little to say...provide facts that are relevant and whole, not some self-serving diatribe about blaming Bill Clinton for your lot in life.

[p]I merely pointed out that the terrorist threat was ignored on Bill Clinton's watch, and that Bush inherited the problems.  I also provided proof.  You of course have a right to your own opinions.
About politics and why you feel they shouldn't be mentioned on this site.

This is why I wish politics were not mentioned on this board. It is a very devisive subject, on a board where we should all be united to fight for fathers and their rights to their children.

Who has the power to change the status quo?  Politicans!  Character counts, as we all come to realize eventually.  We need strong leaders who will clean up the mess in the courts.  We need to start at the local levels in our communities, and support and elect people who will come down on the side of fairness and decency in all areas.  Sounds easy, but it isn't.  This is also directly related to the character issue.  Many politicians will tell you exactly what you want to hear, but not mean a word.

The issues on this board can be directly related to politics, and the character of politicians.

I have many friends and family members that have served, and are serving in our military. Many of them were in Vietnam, and have seen war from the front lines. Most of them do not agree with you. I'm not sure why you think all military personnel are of single mind, but I assure you they are not. I would imagine they are pretty evenly split, much like the rest of America.

[p]Most of them don't agree with me/pd on what issue?  Hey here's a fun word association quiz.  

Jane Fonda.

Now seeing her name, what was the first thought that popped into your head?

If it was anything but traitor, please move to France....(remember "France and French" are now adjectives) )(

General Issues / RE: total crap
Mar 07, 2004, 11:46:05 AM
I started posting Kerry articles while Edwards was still in the running.  Many people here are young, and heard a lot of propaganda as far as the Vietnam war.  I think as Americans, they deserve to know the real story.

These are the folks who won't vote for Bush, so why shouldn't they be educated on some facts about other candidates?  I don't know whether Bush can't tolerate dissent, but I know he won't tolerate terrorism.  I posted a link that featured a rare audio tape of Clinton admitting that we were offered Bin Laden but he didn't see the need to get him.

"French" is an adjective in popular venacular these days.  

By the way - your "Clinton did nothing" post has been debunked by, as well as your "Kerry's service is fishy" post somewhere below.

[p]  You're right, Clinton sent a few cruise missiles and hit an aspirin factory, coincidently while the impeachment process was in full swing.  As far as Kerry's service record goes, it stinks like seven day old fish. Oh, btw did you know he served in Vietnam?

You've been shilling for freerepublic since you've been here - the same website that had a member photoshop a picture of Kerry standing at a podium w/ Fonda, then send mass email it all over the web. Also ridiculous.

[p]Well on that score, you could also say that I shill for SPARC over on Free Republic ;-)  Yes that was some picture.  Work of art.  This guy does some amazing work.  I used to have a pic of Hill, Janet, and another woman knocking back bottles of Colt 45, watching a table dancer.  It was a hoot!  

I certainly do respect opposing views.  That's why I post Kerry stories.  Unfortunately Edwards dropped out of the race, because he was a gentleman who wasn't too far to the left, imo.  Too bad the Republicans for Sharpton campaign never took off.  Go ahead and vote for whoever you feel would make the best president.  You're not reading the posts objectively.  Why are my posts causing you such discomfort?

General Issues / RE: total crap
Mar 06, 2004, 07:52:41 PM
Penis.  That is just SO intelligent.

You're a product of modern education and broken families.  You have my get over it and grow up.  

One more thing...don't ask us grown ups to provide facts, then ignore the evidence in front of your eyes.
I know SPARC isn't a hotbed of Martha Stewart fans, but I am curious as to what kind of sentence she might receive for her horrible crimes.

There is a thread on FR that's almost hitting 1500 replies.  Most of them gleeful high fives on her conviction.  Technically, she's looking at up to 20 years!

In light of the sentences people get for maiming, beating, and killing children,  will Martha Stewart get a longer sentence for a bungled stock transaction?  Although this was in the UK, I happened to read a story about this guy who ordered his pit bull to kill another dog.  After the cops showed up, he tried to get the dog to attack police officers.  He then kicked out the patrol car window.  He received one year suspended sentence.  The dog was adopted out to another family.  This is the second incident regarding this person ordering his dog to attack.  The first man suffered bites to his face, nose, and either his neck or arm.

So, will Martha's punishment fit her crime?  What I find really strange about this whole thing, is that Martha is a friend of Hillary.  She donates large amounts of money to Democratic candidates.  Folks like that usually don't get thrown to the wolves.

For the record, I like Martha's shows and magazine.  She's given me a lot of inspiration over the years.  Yes, I've heard all the stories about what a horrible person she is in real life, but I never have to worry about my kids watching her show, or looking through her magazines.  In fact I've saved every MSL magazine that I've purchased.  Great reference material.

SPG your ignorance is just overwhelming...

[p]I'll take that as a compliment ;-)
All I'm saying is that George Bush is not responsible for the terrorist attacks that happened on 9/11.  Those were made possible by the sheer ineptitude of Bill Clinton.  Bush hadn't even been in office one whole year, and we've got Heinous saying, "what did Bush know, and when did he know it"?  Of all the self serving, pathological lying politicians out there, Hill and Bill take the cake.  

George Bush is responsible for his actions, just like every other president before him. He is not responsible for the callous disregard for our national security, that the previous administration had.  You did ask for proof and I gave it to you.  I don't sit around debating people without the ammo to back up my statements.

Why shouldn't Bush use the response to 9/11 in a campaign ad?  He responded in a huge way, and most of us are grateful for his actions following the worst attack on our soil in America's history.  How can running for reelection on one's record be a disgusting ploy????  He kicked ass and made us feel a little safer in a suddenly scary world.

On a different note..if you start a new job, and the previous person in your position hands you a bag of shit, does that make him culpable of the performance, or you?

[p]That's the problem with accepting a position that was formerly held by an incompetent idiot.  You'll spend a good amount of time cleaning up that person's mess.  Once that mess is cleaned up, you will be judged on your own performance thereafter.
General Issues / RE: I love it!
Mar 05, 2004, 11:23:17 AM
Bush has  moral convictions, and does follow through.  He's got a lot on his plate right now, and he can't please all of us.  I'm praying that that illegal amnesty guest worker proposal goes straight into the circular file, however.  

Some politicians, like Maxine Waters, simply make me want to weep.  She's up on her hind legs accusing us of kidnapping President Aristede, and toppling his government.  You and your husband remember what happened the last time Haitians tried to get rid of him?  Clinton sent in our troops and quelled the rebellion, and put Aristede back in power.  This guy is a thug, and Jesse Jackass wants us to give him asylum.  Ughhh!  

That's why I come to this site.  I've learned a lot about the damage that these issues cause kids.  I want to prevent more damage to my kids.  Also it's opened my eyes to the abuse people suffer at the hands of the judicial system and government.

This is a campaign ad put together by a person over on Free Republic.  He goes by jmstein7.  

There is a rare audio tape of Clinton ADMITTING to passing on the offer of Bin Laden to the US.  Click the link and listen to the tape and check out the pics of the terrorist attacks against us on Clinton's watch.

Any more questions about who dropped the ball?