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Iceprincess going from Welfare Mom to a new form of Govmt assistance - or at least thinks so

Started by Ref, Jul 13, 2005, 08:19:09 AM

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I hope this is a joke. I hope it is some troll coming here for a good laugh when it comes to this Innocentprincess person.

It is revolting to hear how she justifies what can be easily seen as wrong. Not only will she twist the facts around what she wants but she lied. I was trying to be a kind ear. She claimed a typo caused her to say that she was going to allow her baby's daddy to see their daughter once a month, when she truely ment once a week. Later, she says it was her intention to allow BF only one week per month. HUMMMM...LIAR!

Another thing that gets under my skin are these BM (I know there are BF too) that are on assistance and live in government housing and don't give a rats butt about getting themselves and their children out of that mess by pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. The think they are OWED something. Maybe a Knight in Shining Armor will save them. Maybe the goverment will provide them with better, but they are OWED to be taken care of and have no responsibilty to try to provide better for themselves and their children.

This one is so thrilled and acts like she should get a pat on the back for sacking a man who will get them out of assistance. Now she is planning not to pay as most everyone else has to, for an attorney by going through JAG? First of all JAG handles military matters (court matials etc) and are not for use in personal matters. It is still nice that she feels justified in spending other people's money for something she should be responsible for. This goes for her claim of her being able to use the military to get flights for visitation. That is a load too. Look at the link I posted on the other thread. You have to go to the airport and basically go on standby to see if you might be able to get on a plane that day. You may get a regular plane, you may get a cargo plane, its a toss up. Then the flight back is the same way. You have to show up and hope you can get on a flight back.

I am a feminist. I believe in empowering women to take control over their own lives. Women like this who are waiting for a "daddy" , whether it is a new husband or Uncle Sam (or in her case, both) really get my goat.

I hope this was all a joke



yeah but if it's true...she doesn't realize that she is just another female notch on this man's belt.  She won't realize this until she gets to this new state and is thrown on her butt again and ends up on government assistance again!


"This one is so thrilled and acts like she should get a pat on the back for sacking a man who will get them out of assistance. Now she is planning not to pay as most everyone else has to, for an attorney by going through JAG? First of all JAG handles military matters (court matials etc) and are not for use in personal matters. It is still nice that she feels justified in spending other people's money for something she should be responsible for. This goes for her claim of her being able to use the military to get flights for visitation."

Anybody like to place a wager that the fiance is the one telling her she can use JAG and get military flights for her daughter?  Remember, she said he's been through a move away fight too.  Betcha a dollar to a doughnut that the new man in town is the one helping instigate all this and he's telling her a bunch of lies.  LOL  Methinks someone is in for a rude awakening!


It sounds like some online B.S. romance to me.
Have her and this dream guy even met?
Has her daughter even met the new family?

This woman is making it sound like taking that little girl away from her father to go to some strange man's house is the best thing in the whole world. Don't get me started on the whole STRANGE MAN thing.

And YES! of course there is Mother bashing, BAD MOTHER BASHING!!!! Women (and men) like this are the whole reason this site exists.

I think the child would be safer with Dad until Iceprincess gets all of her S*** straightened out. Or at least until she (iceprincess) has to standby at an airport for 8 hours to get her first *free* flight on a cargo plane.


"I asked him to leave because of his controlling nature in NOV."

So she was living with him and back in a relationship with him until November? She already has a husband lined up??? Yeah, she sounds stable.

Welfare mom in the ghetto with two baby's daddys and working on marrying a guy she just started dating in November. Classy.



I usually just lurk, but I can't help but find this offensive.  Did she say she lived in the ghetto?  I may have missed that part, but it is important to remember that  people of all races live in poverty in this country.  I'm hoping this isn't becoming a racial discussion.  Also, subsidized housing is often available in nicer areas, depending on the state in question.  In my state, for example, a person can live in very nice suburban subsidized housing.

Just for the record I struggle to pay my bills each month ( in a nice suburb) because I earn too much to be eligible for any help but too little to live without worry.

Also, the "baby's daddys" comment ?  Well, since so many of us are divorced, don't we usually have "baby daddys" or "baby's mommas"?

There are people of all races, and even *gasp* not living in the ghetto on welfare.  Your comment sounds like you are labeling people who live in the ghetto in a way that you have no right to do as well as making some racist assumptions.  



probably sent from singlemomz.com


How do you know she was a troll??

I've read both threads (the original and this one) and I can't believe all the assumptions that were made about this woman and her family...how awful.

This may be my first post as 'babymakes8', but I was originally 'sweetnsad' and I've been a member of SPARC for a couple of years, not necessarily posting much....but reading up on others, etc...and I'm honestly offended by how many of you have treated this girl...

She came here, asking for advice, as far as I could tell...and not one person had the decency to help her....and, if no one wanted to help her, the very least one of you could have done is politely tell her that she would be far better off getting advice somewhere else...not tell her to F*** off, etc...

I'm pretty sure that the majority of people on this site have been thru some rough times themselves with their ex's, etc...and you all know how it would feel to be attacked by strangers that you ask for help....no one is perfect...NO ONE.  But, I'm quite certain that when this girl was asking for advice, she never thought she would be treated this way...c'mon guys, back off a bit....


Well, there's more to this than you may be aware of. She posted a story on Soc's board and then came to this one with a very abbreviated/modified version of events.

She also wrote the admin asking him to ban all the people who were giving her a hard time. That seems kinda flaky to me, and her story just didn't wash.

To convince me to approve of a custodial move-away takes a better story than she was able to float.