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grounds for supervised visits

Started by ginamom512, Jun 28, 2012, 07:05:28 AM

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My friends soon to be ex husband was abusive to her and to her oldest son. They have a child together. He also is a convicted felon. He tried shooting his parents. My friend is trying to get supervised visits because of this. Is this enough grounds to get supervised?


If the spousal abuse is documented it is definately grounds of supervised visits.  At least in Texas it is, that is one of the things that will guarantee supervised visits.  However it needs to be substantiated there is also sever penalties for filing false claims as well.

If the STBX has a history of violence there very well could be supervised visitation.


Theres proof he has been arrested when he tried to shoot his parents he was incarcerated for 30 days. And he was arrested twice for domestic violence.


You have to prove that when he is with child, he is not capable of parenting him. If child was a witness to those past events that can hold wait, and his criminal background too. Is child seeing him now? How is it going? When was the last time child saw him? Hold old is child ? All this will come into play. If father plays by the courts rules he will eventually get some time with his child. Courts usually do not care so much about the past, it is what is happening with child now...


No he has not seen him her oldest son is 5, so Idk if the judge will talk to him, their son together is 1. His felony charge was only a few years ago. He is currently awaiting trial for the domestic abuse. He has been arrested 5 times in the past two years so I mean he has a pretty long record of abuse. She does have witnesses to the abuse too.


arrests and convictions are two different things...

you'll probably need a good attorney who will know how to bring all that to the attention of the judge properly since you're talking about getting police reports and police officers in to testify that they arrested him for this and that.

AND was any of it as a result of hurting the CHILDREN?