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Started by mustrelax, Jan 22, 2006, 02:49:21 PM

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Since there is no court order to stop visitation,she is full of it.Also since you have a somewhat type of custody of the children,she cant up and move without you saying yes.She can,but kids cant.Get a lawyer asap.She needs to proove moving the kids out of where they live now is in the best interest.not because it is too expensive here.The judges dont care about that.Good luck


First of all, it's nice to know I'm not the only one from Mass on here.

Second, SnappleGirl is right. Your ex has no idea what she is talking about. She can't just deny you visitation becuase of incarceration and she can't move out of state with the kids. Stand up to her, dont let her play with you. Those are your kids too and they have a right to be with their father!!  

You have 50/50 so why do you only have the kids on the weekends? Also, why are you repsonsible for child support? Does she work and have a good job? If so, you shouldn't be paying. Don't let her guilt trip you into anything.

Call your kids all the time, send them stuff, do whatever it takes to show them you are a great father. Don't give your ex the chance to distance them from you. Take them places, go to school meeting, things like that. Just be there =)

Document everything. You will find that suggestion all over this site because it's the best thing you can do. Document phone calls, visits, events, observations.....

And yes, get a lawyer. My FDH and I are dumping our current one becuase he has made a bigger mess of our case than it was. I'm not sure where you are but we live in Western Mass and if you come across any good laywers please let us know. We will do like wise for you.

Good luck man.


Oh man,I am from western ma too.Our court is in lee,ma though.


Foxboro area here.  Yes, I need to contact a lawyer.  Mine cost me 10k and it was the EX decision to end it all.

I was served some type of papers 2 years ago when I was held on bail.  I was so emotionally out of it, I do not even recall what it concerned.

My next step is to call New Bedford family court and see if I can get the low down, then take legal action from there.

I lost my license for a year, on parole until May, probation until 2008.  All Misdemeanors, thankfully.

I do have a strong family network in MA.  Lots of family, cousins, etc....

I will update everyone on how it works out.

My sleepless nights are due to plans that she will not share with me.  She has already asked for $$$$$$$, so I dont know what is next.  



BF's case is in Salem MA in Essex County!