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Protests and picketing...why the public will never see us or hear our views

Started by StPaulieGirl, Jan 24, 2004, 11:06:00 AM

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First a disclaimer.  I'm going to provide links to a prolife website, plus the relative thread on Free Republic.  This post is not meant to endorse or condemn abortion.  My intent is to show how biased the news media is regarding anything that does not fit into their liberal, feminist, communistic agenda.  Basically, they're 0wn3d!

When I was "pinged" to this thread this morning, I thought about the candlelight vigil for Michael Franke, and the obvious bias of the article calling him a "deadbeat dad", not once, but twice.  There are many of us here, and elsewhere who are ready to picket Claire's and David and Goliath for those damn T shirts and other merchandise. Let us not forget the ongoing struggle to keep Terri Schiavo from being starved to death.  The media insists on calling her a vegetable.

Original article with contact info:

On this Free Republic link, scroll down for some very impressive pics.  Estimates vary as to the total number of participants, but there's a lot of them!  How many people reading this post even knew this was happening?  Look, when that many people show up to march, I don't care what your position is, it's NEWS!


My purpose for this post is to educate those of you who are just getting into activism.  The media will more than likely ignore you.  Another example:  The 5th Annual Repudiation of Jesse Jackson.  The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson and BOND(African American Men's organization-Brotherhood for a New Destiny) have been doing this every year, and FReepers usually show up to support them.

There was a rally last Monday, castigating Jesse Jackson for perverting MLK jr's vision, and riding on his coat tails.  Did any of you folks know that this has been going on annually for 5 yrs?  It's a public protest.  Lots of high profile people were there.  There ya go.  Our news media would make Goebbels and Pravda proud.

This is my sole opinion.  


>Basically, they're 0wn3d!

Yes, they are, but there are two owners. Many newspapers and magazines are decidely 'liberal', but there are an awful lot of them that swing the other way, airing mostly 'conservative' viewpoints as well. FOX News is one of them- there's no way they could be called a part of the 'liberal' media. They're JUST as biased, except in the other direction.

To me, the majority of news and media outlets (TV, newspapers, magazines, etc) have an agenda to push.

Oh, and if you despise Jesse Jackson (like I do), you ought read "Shakedown", by Kenneth R. Timmerman. It shows that good ol' Jesse is nothing but a thug in a business suit.

Shakedown: Exposing the Real Jesse Jackson


Actually, saying that they will never see or hear our views is not exactly correct.  They will see us out there if they are driving by.  You should try and keep it positive.  Otherwise, you WILL get discouraged.  

Half empty, almost empty, versus half full, almost there.  

It's in the eye of the beholder.  

But I do not turn a blind eye to the indifference, bias and intentional disregard of opposing views by certain media forms in our american society.  Times are changing and the wide reach of the internet is not only changing the media...it's also changing our education system.  We have so much more power at our fingertips.

I also believe that Hollywood can help change views...because our society is now so centered on entertainment.  Many of our society's views are shaped, formed, inspired through our televisions.  

2 cents worth,


Oh, and if you despise Jesse Jackson (like I do), you ought read "Shakedown", by Kenneth R. Timmerman. It shows that good ol' Jesse is nothing but a thug in a business suit.

[p]I want to buy that book when my finances get over Christmas.  There's been a lot of talk about it on Free Republic and BOND's website.  I need to post their website address, but you can google it, because I can't remember it offhand.  Great website, great bunch of people.  Maybe this site and theirs have some common ground?

[p]Fox news is the only major media outlet that even comes close to "fair reporting".  The rest of them are a bunch of fawning sycophants, and 5th column subversives.  Lol, sorry.

[p]My sticky point is how do we make the liberal media acknowledge mainstream America, and our views?  Yes, we've gotten a huge amount of positive feedback from "drive by's" at protest rallies.  I want everyone to know that they aren't alone.  I want everyone to have the opportunity to have access to different opinions.  This is our right in a "free society".  What the major networks are doing is censorship....for our own good.  Oh and Brent, speaking of "head in sand", can you believe there is a significant number of Americans who cannot comprehend what is going on in "family courts"?  I found that out the hard way when I posted the petition for Michael and Nicole Franke on Free Republic.


We always get mainly positive response from passerby's.  I don't mean to be discouraging, but  huge protests ignored by the media is something to talk about.  What else goes on that we don't know about?  We need to find a way to encourage the news outlets to report ALL the news.

Thank God for the internet, because that's where I get all my news, besides my local Fox channel.   Our education system is the pits.  The powers that be respond by persecuting homeschoolers.  Colleges are catching on to the fact that homeschooled kids get a superior education, and are actively recruiting them.  When I move, I'm thinking about homeschooling my youngest and starting my grand daughter off with home based preschool.  The internet is crucial to a sound educational program.

Hollywood is dedicated to changing hearts and minds, unfortunately to their point of view.  They don't represent me, my family, or our views.  I don't think they represent yours either.

Thanks for your 2 cents worth ;-)


... The morning TV shows "Good Morning America" are well known for the throngs of fans gathered outside the studio windows holding signs telling friends back home hello. Perhaps if a group of NY area SPARC fans showed up with banners proclaiming gender bias in the family courts we could get some air time.  I would suggest showing up with two-sided signs. One side saying "Hello Mom" and when the camera comes on flip it over to reveal the bias message.

[em]This is not a suggestion endorsed by SPARC and is posted here by a totally fictitious character madeup of bits and bytes[/em]

[font color=red]Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt[/font]


Shhhh! Maybe there should be a private msg system for these suggestions.  Lord knows who's lurking around here.  Great idea, btw :-)