I think you said the custody order is Indiana, if it is then you must have an lawyer that parctices law in Indiana. Your best bet is an lawyer near her area so you wont pay for anttorney fees for Travel. The biggest thing I see is the mother will be granted supervised visits at first etc. like I stated in my first post then the visits will phase into regular visits because its been so long and your daughter will need to get to know you and your family. How offten can you go to where you child lives? I don't want to damper your rights its just this will be hard at first but it will get better you have every right to see your child as your child has every right to see you and your family. Shop around for a lawyer that will fight for you also ask for joint legal rights and visitation. The sooner the better it will take a while to get a court hearing and I'm sure it will take more then one. This site is helpful so look aruond the articles etc. The other boards on here hare helpful too.