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Father's Issues / Ex blocking access to kids
Mar 05, 2008, 04:52:58 AM
Hi, I'm divorced for 1yr and I have 3 kids 16,15,12. Custody=joint legal, Ex has primary physical. Ex alienated kids and they refused to any visitation with me, so I agreed to leave visitation to kid's discretion. Per custody agreement, kids can see me anytime and as much as they want. In last 2 months kids have shown interest in seeing me again and we have been communicating by e-mail. 3 weeks ago I had them over to my house for dinner and they spent a few hours with me, first time  we had been together in over a year. It went great, but since then cummunication has stopped. It is obvious the Ex is intimidating them into not communicating with me. I have continued to try and communicate with them but they have stopped responding. Get this, I only live about 200 yards away from them. I built a house close by so they could see me without any inconvenience...I am at wits end. I have fought for 2 years to stay in their lives but have been blocked at every turn by the Ex....Any suggestions?