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My wife and I were married in october just last year and almost immediately she started cheating on me. we seperated in january of this year and have been so ever since except for a two week period in march where we tried again and she then left me for one of her ex's. well in that two week time she became pregnate. 

I also found out that in febuary of the same year she had slept with two other men, one of whom was my best friend.  she is due in late december which leads me to believe the child is mine but paternity has yet to be established. she contacted me yesterday wanting to get together to write up some custody guidelines before the child is born in case it is mine. Ive never had a child before, im only 25 years old.

im still new to the divorce scene so the idea of custody arrangements is completely overwhelming, I am trying to get ahold of a legal aide office to try and get repersentation but money is very tight right now and I have not gotten a call back. the mother has flip-flopped thruout this whole pregnancy as to how involved she would let me be and Im still not sure I will even be informed when the child is born.

she waited an extra two weeks after finding out the sex of the baby to tell me. she has shown herself to be a manipulator when it comes to securing her own self interest and I dont know if i should even meet with her yet and if i do what I should do to ensure that if that baby girl is mine i will be allowed to be in her life like I am wanting to be. any advice in this would be most appreciated. if it helps I live in Oklahoma. Thank you.