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Messages - jolawanda

State   Reporting   Data Elements   Method of   Multistate   Reporting of   Penalties?
Phone, Fax, Internet (including Web site,   Timeframe   as of 10/2001   Transmission   Reporting   Independent   Enforcement?
FTP, and E-mail), and Modem (BBS), EFT,            Capability?   Contractors?   
EDI address or number                  
(334) 353-8491 (phone)   7 days   W-4 elements, first day   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/employee
(334) 242-8956 (fax)      of work, newly hired or   tape, cartridge tape,         
Web site: //      recalled; Optional:   diskette, bulletin         
E-mail: [email protected]      job refusal indicator (if    board system (BBS),         Not enforced
BBS:  (334) 242-0525      employee received a job   website         
(907) 269-6685 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:    mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $10/employee
(877) 269-6685 (toll-free phone)      date of birth, date of hire,   tape, cartridge tape,         $100/collusion
(907) 787-3197, 3181 (fax)      employer's state EIN   CD, and diskette         
(907) 269-6077 (fax)                  Not enforced
Web site: //                  
employer%20information.htm (info. only)                  
(888) 282-2064 (phone--new hire)   20 days   W-4 elements   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   None
(602) 340-0555 (phone--new hire)         magnetic tape,         
(602) 252-4045 (phone--child support)         cartridge tape,         
(888) 282-0502 (fax)         diskette, website,         
(602) 340-0669 (fax)         FTP, EFT         
Website: //                  
E-mail: [email protected]                  
EFT: (602) 340-0703                  
(800) 259-2095 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements;   mail, fax,   Yes   No   
(501) 376-2125 (phone)      Optional:  date of birth   magnetic tape,          
(800) 259-3562 (fax)      date of hire, state of hire   cartridge tape,         
(501) 376-2682 (fax)         diskette, website         
Website:  //                  
(916) 657-0529 (phone)   prior to the new   W-4 elements, em-   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   Yes   $24/incident
(916) 654-6845 (technical information)   employee's 20th   ployee's start date, CA   tape, diskette         $490/collusion
(916) 653-5214 (fax)   day of work   employer account number            
Website:  //                  Not enforced
Website is for information and down-                  
loading employer reporting form.                  
(800) 696-1468   20 days   W-4 elements   mail, fax, magnetic     Yes   No   None
(303) 297-2849 (phone)      Optional:  date of hire,   tape, cartridge tape,         
(303) 297-2595 (fax)      payroll address   diskette, website         
Website: //                  
(860) 263-6310 (phone--new hire)   20 days   W-4 elements, date   mail, fax,   Yes   No   None
(800)228-5437(phone--child support)      of hire, CT tax registration   magnetic tape,          
(800) 228-5437 (fax)      number; Optional: contact   cartridge tape (limited)         
      and phone number            
(302) 577-7171   20 days   W-4 elements   mail, fax,   Yes   No   $25/employee
(302) 577-4848 (fax)         magnetic tape,         
E-mail:  [email protected]         cartridge tape,         Not enforced
District of Columbia                  
1-877-846-9523 (toll-free)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   phone, fax, mail,   Yes   No   None
(877) 892-6388 (toll-free fax)       date of hire, date of birth,   magnetic tape, car-         
      gender, employer contact   tridge tape, diskette,         
Website: //      and phone number   website, e-mail         
E-mail:  [email protected]                  
(888) 854-4791 (phone--new hire)   20 days   W-4 elements, date   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   None
(850) 656-3343 (phone--new hire)      of hire, address for income   magnetic tape,         
(888) 922-9590 (phone--child support info)      withholding order;   cartridge tape,         
(888) 854-4762 (toll-free fax)      Optional: date of birth,   diskette, website, FTP         
(850) 656-3225 (fax)      FL unemployment            
Website:  //      compensation account            
(888) 541-0469 (phone)   10 days   W-4 elements, date    phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   None
(404) 525-2985 (phone)      of birth, date of hire,   magnetic tape,         
(888) 541-0521 (fax)      employer's phone   cartridge tape,         
(404) 525-2983 (fax)      number; Optional:   diskette, website,         
Website:  //      medical insurance   FTP         
BBS or FTP: (404) 523-5863      availability            
(671) 475-3360 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date of   mail, fax   No   Yes for Guam   $24/employee
(671) 477-6118 (fax)      birth         government   $499/collusion
Website:  //               contractees   Not enforced
(808) 692-7029 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date of   fax, mail, magnetic   Yes   No   
(808) 692-7001 (fax)      hire   tape, cartridge tape         
(800) 627-3880 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date   mail, fax, diskette,   Yes   No   
(208) 334-6459 (phone)      of hire, employer's   website, e-mail         
(208) 332-7411 (fax)      unemployment insurance            
Website:  //      account number            
E-mail: [email protected]                  
(800) 327-HIRE [4473] (phone--new hire)   20 days   W-4 elements;   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   
(312) 793-0322 (phone--new hire)      Optional:  date of hire,   tape, cartridge         
(312) 793-9856 (technical information)      address for income   tape, diskette,         
(217) 557-1947 (fax)      withholding orders   website, e-mail         
Website:  //                  
E-mail:  [email protected]                   
(866) 879-0198 (toll-free phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date of hire;   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $500/collusion
(317) 612-3028 (phone-Indianapolis metro area)      Optional: date of birth,   tape, cartridge tape,         
(800) 408-1388 (fax) or (317) 612-3036 (fax)      state of hire   diskette, website         
(317) 612-3036 (fax-Indianapolis metro area)                  
Website:  // or                  
(866) 879-0198, ex. 110 (technical support)                  
E-mail: [email protected]                  
(515) 281-5331 (phone)   15 days   W-4 elements, date of   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   Yes*   Can be held in
(800) 759-5881 (fax)      birth, date of hire,   tape, cartridge tape         contempt of
Website:      employer's phone,            court in county in
      medical insurance            which employer
      availability, date of            does business
      qualification, address            
      for income withholding            Not yet enforced
(888) 219-7801 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements   mail, fax, diskette,   Yes   No   None
(785) 296-5025 (phone)         website, FTP         
(888) 219-7798 (fax)                  
(785) 291-3423 (fax)                  
E-mail:  [email protected]                   
(800) 817-2262 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $250/employee
(804) 771-9602 (phone)      date of birth, state of hire,   tape, cartridge tape         
(800) 817-0099 (fax)      date of hire, KY employer   diskette, website,         Not enforced
(804) 771-1908 (fax)      ID number, medical insur-   FTP         
Web site:  //      ance availability, contact            
FTP: (804) 771-9768      phone            
E-mail for questions/corrections only-no reports:                  
E-mail:  [email protected]                  
(888) 223-1461 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, occupation;   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   $25/occurrence
(225) 342-4591 (phone)      Optional: date of hire   magnetic tape,         $500/collusion
(888) 223-1462 (fax)         cartridge tape,         
(225) 342-4529 (fax)         diskette, website,         Not enforced
Website:  //         FTP, e-mail         
E-mail:  [email protected]                  
(800) 437-9611 (phone--in-state only)   7 days   W-4 elements, date   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   1st violation:
(207) 287-2886 (phone)      of birth; Optional: date of   magnetic tape,         written warning;
(800) 442-6003 (phone, child support)      hire, home and work   diskette, e-mail         thereafter, up to
(800) 437-9611 (fax--in state)      phones, occupation,            $200/month
(207) 287-6882 (fax)      income, frequency,            
E-mail:  [email protected]      medical insurance            Not yet enforced
      availability for employee            
      and dependent, cost,            
      whether dependent is            
      covered, employer's            
      DOL state ID number            
(888) MDHIRES (888) 634-4737 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/employee
(410) 347-9911 (phone)      of hire, MD unemployment   tape, cartridge tape         $500/collusion
(888) 657-3534 (fax)      account number (SUIN);   diskette, website,         
(410) 347-5993 (fax)      Optional: date of birth,   e-mail         Not enforced
Website:  //      gender, medical insurance            
E-mail:  [email protected]      availability, salary,             
      rate, employer contact,            
      phone, and fax            
(800) 332-2733 (phone)   14 days   W-4 elements, date of   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   Yes   
(617) 887-5049 or 5059 (fax)      hire or reinstatement   tape, cartridge tape         
(617) 887-5030 (technical support)                  
(617) 626-4154 (employer hot line)                  
Website:  //                   
(800) 524-9846 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements;   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   None
(517) 318-1659 (fax--5 or fewer per week)      Optional:  date of birth,   tape, diskette (free         
Website: // (info. only)      date of hire,   data entry software),         
E-mail: [email protected]      driver's license number   e-mail         
(800) 672-4473 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements;   phone, mail,   Yes   County govern-   $25/2nd time
(651) 227-4661 (phone)      Optional:  date of   fax, magnetic tape      ment agencies   Up to $500 for
(651) 227-4991 (fax--in state)      birth, date of hire,   cartridge tape,      must report in-   refusal to report
(800) 692-4473 (fax--out of state)      state of hire, em-   diskette, FTP, EFT,      dependent    
Website:  //      ployer contact and   website      contractors;   Not enforced
Website for information only      phone number         optional for   
FTP:               private em-   
EFT:  (651) 222-4539               ployers   
EFT: (888) 305-7101                  
(800) 241-1330 (phone)   15 days   W-4 elements, date of hire,   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   None
(404) 808-9016 (phone)      contact name, state EIN;    tape, cartridge tape         
(800) 937-8668 (fax)      Optional: date of birth,   diskette, website,         
Website:      state of hire, gender   e-mail         
E-mail:  [email protected]                  
(800) 585-9234 (phone--employer hot line)   20 days   W-4 elements, date of   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/employee
(573) 751-2623 (phone--employer hot line)      hire (or date signed)   tape, cartridge tape         $350/collusion
(800) 859-7999 (phone--gen. info)                  
(573) 526-8079 (fax)                  
Website (for information only):                  
E-mail:  [email protected]                  
(888) 866-0327 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date of   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   None
(406) 444-9290 (phone)      hire, employer's state   magnetic tape,         
(888) 272-1990 (fax)      ID number, employer's   cartridge tape,         
(406) 444-0745 (fax)      phone, fax; Optional:   diskette, e-mail         
Website:      date of birth, state of            
//      hire, employee's home            
E-mail:      and work phones,             
[email protected]/revenue/newhire.html      medical insurance            
      availability, date of            
(888) 256-0293 (phone--new hire)   20 days   W-4 elements;   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/employee
(402) 691-9957 (phone--new hire)      Optional:  state of   tape, cartridge tape,         
(402) 479-5555 (phone--child support)      hire, employer contact   diskette, website         Not enforced
(888) 430-6906 (fax)      and phone number, date of            
Website:  //      birth, date of hire; medical            
E-mail:  [email protected] (info only)      insurance availability            
(888) 639-7241 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   None
(775) 684-8685 (phone)      date of birth, date of hire,   tape, cartridge tape,         
(775) 687-4487 (phone--technical info.)      state of hire, NV EIN   diskette         
(775) 684-8681 (fax)                  
// (info)                  
New Hampshire                  
(800) 803-4485 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements; NHES   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   Yes   $25/employee
(603) 229-4371 (phone)      employer account    tape, diskette         $500/collusion
(888) 783-3598 (fax)      number, employer's            
(603) 229-4324 (fax)      phone; Optional: date of            Not enforced
      hire, contact, work state,            
      type of hire (employee or            
New Jersey                  
(888) 624-6339 (toll-free phone)   20 days   W-4 elements;   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   Yes ***   $25/employee
(877) NJ HIRES (654-4737) (toll-free phone)      Optional: date of birth, date   magnetic tape,         $500/collusion
(609) 689-1900 (phone)      of hire, gender   cartridge tape,         
(800) 304-4901 (toll-free fax)         diskette, website,         Not enforced
Website:  //         e-mail         
E-mail: [email protected]                  
New Mexico                  
(888) 878-1607 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   $20/employee
(505) 995-8230 (phone)      date of birth, date of hire,   magnetic tape,         $500/collusion
(800) 759-KIDS (child support info)      state of hire, employer's   cartridge tape,         
(505) 827-7200 (child support info)      payroll address, contact,   diskette, website,         Not enforced
(888) 878-1614 (toll-free fax)      phone, medical insurance   FTP         
(505) 995-8232 (fax)      availability            
Website:  //                  
E-mail:  [email protected]                  
E-mail not for new hire reporting                  
FTP:  (505) 820-6987                  
New York                  
(800) 972-1233, option 1 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements;   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/employee
(518) 438-3152 (technical info)      Optional:  date of hire   tape, cartridge tape,         $450/collusion
(518) 438-3715 (fax)         diskette         
Website:  //                  No enf needed
North Carolina                  
(888) 514-4568 (phone--new hire)   20 days   W-4 elements, date of   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/employee
(919) 877-1011 (phone--new hire)      hire, state EIN;   tape, cartridge tape,         $500/collusion
(919) 874-0092 (technical support)      Optional: date of birth, em-   diskette, e-mail         
(919) 877-1019 (fax)      ployer contact and            Not enforced
Website:  // (info only)      phone            
E-mail:  [email protected]                  
North Dakota                  
(800) 755-8530 (phone, in-state only)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/employee
(701) 328-3582 (phone)      date of birth, date of hire,   tape, cartridge tape,         $500/collusion
(701) 328-5497 (fax)      state EIN   diskette, e-mail,          
(800) 366-6889 (for TDD service)         EFT (using Expedite         Not enforced
E-mail: [email protected]         software)                  
(888) 872-1490 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date of   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/employee
(614) 221-5330 (phone)      birth, date of hire,    tape, cartridge tape,         $500/collusion
(888) 872-1611 (toll-free fax)      state of hire; Optional:   diskette, website,         
(614) 221-7088 (fax)      gender, Earned In-   e-mail         Not enforced
Website:  //      come Tax Credit             
E-mail:  [email protected]      claim, date of termination            
(800) 317-3785 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   None
(405) 557-7133 (phone)      of hire, state of hire;   tape, cartridge          
(405) 557-7297 (technical info.)      Optional: date of birth,   tape, diskette,         
(800) 317-3786 (fax)      OK employer account   website         
(405) 557-5350 (fax)      number, employer's phone,             
Website:      medical insurance             
//       availability, occupation,            
      salary, rate, whether            
      employee has been            
(503) 378-2868 (phone--accepts collect calls)   20 days   W-4 elements   mail, fax, cartridge   Yes   No   None
(877) 877-7415 (toll-free fax)         tape, diskette         
(503) 378-2863, 2864 (fax)                  
(888) PAHIRES [724-4737] (phone)   20 business days   W-4 elements, date   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/occurrence
(717) 657-HIRE (4473)(fax)      of hire, employer contact   tape, cartridge tape,         
Website:  //      name and phone;   diskette, website         Not enforced
E-mail:  [email protected]      Optional: date of birth   e-mail, FTP         
Puerto Rico                  
(787) 767-1500 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, employer's   mail, fax   No (RENE accepts other   No   
(787) 767-3882; 765-1313 (fax)      state ID number, date of      states but they report by      
      birth, date of hire, state of      mail)      
      hire, salary            
Rhode Island                  
(888) 870-6461 (new hire info)   14 days   W-4 elements, medical   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   $20/employee
(401) 222-2847 (child support info)      insurance availability,   magnetic tape,         $500/collusion
(888) 870-6461 (phone reporting)      date of availability;   cartridge tape,         
(888) 430-6907 (fax)      Optional: date of birth,   diskette, website         Not enforced
Website:  //      date of hire, state of hire,            
E-mail:  [email protected] (info only)      payroll address            
South Carolina                  
(888) 454-5294 (phone--new hire)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/employee
(803) 898-9235 (phone--new hire)      date of birth, date   tape, cartridge tape,         
(800) 768-5858 (phone for child support)      of hire, employer's   diskette, website         Not enforced
(803) 898-9100 (fax)      phone number            
South Dakota                  
(888) 827-6078 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   None
(605) 626-2942 (phone)      date of birth, date of hire,   cartridge tape,         
(888) 835-8659 (toll-free fax)      state of hire   diskette, website         
Website: //                  

(888) 715-2280 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date of hire;   phone (up to 2),   Yes   No   $20/employee
(615) 884-2819 (phone)   Optional:   Optional: date of birth,   mail, fax, magnetic         $400/collusion
(615) 884-2827 (fax)   5 days   state of hire, gender,   tape, cartridge         
Website:   (recom-   medical insurance   tape, diskette,         Not enforced
//   mended to)   availability, date   website         
E-mail:  [email protected]   help detect   of qualification, Earned            
   fraud in ui   Income Tax Credit            
   and wc pro-   availability, payroll ad-            
   grams)   dress, whether employee            
      has been terminated            
(888)TEXHIRE [839-4473] (phone--new hire)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   $500/collusion
(800) 252-8014 (phone--child support)      date of birth, date of hire,   magnetic tape, cart-         
(800) 732-5015 (fax)      state of hire, TX EIN,   ridge tape, diskette,         Not enforced
Website:  //      salary, payday frequency,   website, e-mail, FTP,         
E-mail:  [email protected]      contact name   Shareware         
(800) 222-2857 (phone, in-state only)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   phone (up to 3),   Yes   No   After warnings,
(801) 526-4361 (phone)      date of birth, date of hire   mail, fax, magnetic         $25/employer
(801) 526-4391 (fax)         tape, cartridge tape,         $500/collusion
Website:         diskette, website         
(800) 786-3214 (child support)   20 days   W-4 elements   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   None
(802) 828-4286 (fax)         tape, cartridge         
Website:         tape, diskette,         
//         website, EFT         
EFT: //                  
Virgin Islands                  
(340) 776-3700, ext. 2038 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date of   mail, fax, e-mail,   No   No   
(340) 774-5908 (fax)      birth, date of hire,   diskette         
E-mail:  [email protected]      state of hire; Optional:            
Website coming      employer's unemployment            
      insurance ID number            
(800) 979-9014 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   None
(804) 771-9733 (phone)      date of birth, date of hire,   tape, cartridge tape,         
(800) 688-2680 (fax)      state of hire, employer's   diskette, website         
(804) 771-9709 (fax)      VEC number, contact,   modem, FTP         
Website:  //      phone            
modem:  (804) 771-9768                  
FTP: //                  
(800) 562-0479 (phone-new hire)   20 days   W-4 elements,    phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   $25/employee
(800) 591-2760 (phone-empl. ombudsman)      date of birth   magnetic tape,         $500/collusion
(360) 586-4357 (technical support)         cartridge tape,         
(800) 782-0624 (fax)         diskette, website         Not enforced
Website: //                  
West Virginia                  
(877) 625-4669 (phone-new hire)   14 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   $25/employee
(304) 346-9513 (phone)      date of birth, date of hire   diskette, website         $500/collusion
(877) 625-4675 (toll-free fax)                  
(304) 346-9518 (fax)                  Not enforced
Website:  www/                  
(888) 300-4473 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date   phone, mail,   Yes   No   None
(800) 277-8075 (fax)      of birth, date of hire,   fax, magnetic         
Web site:      state of hire   tape, cartridge         tape, diskette,         
         website, EDI         
(800) 970-9258 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements;   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   None
(307) 638-1675 (phone)      Optional:  date of birth,   tape, cartridge tape,         
(800) 921-9651 (fax)      date of hire, employer   diskette (pre-formatted         
(307) 638-1686 (fax)      contact and phone   upon request),          
Website:      number   website, FTP         
* Definition of a "contractor" in Iowa:                  
  Who is 18 years of age or older;                  
  Who performs labor in IA and to whom a payor of income makes payments which are not                  
     subject to income withholding for child support;                  
  For whom the payor of income is required by the IRS to file a 1099 MISC form; and                  
  Who is a natural, individual person, NOT a corporation, government, business trust, estate,                  
     partnership, or other legal entity, however organized.                  
Dear Socrateaser / Mine own little survey.....
Dec 22, 2004, 05:30:09 PM
so far since I have been reading this board a bit more regularly than in the past few years, I have read three lovely newFuckyajersey situations....What county are you in for all of this?

employers were required to put new hires thru a New Hire State Matrix and it would flag them if they owe CS.

Mr. Jola's X used to say the same thing about him:

good escape plan....Um, it was called getting better jobs! DUH! She's a very bitter woman though.
that *he* would do everything to get a divorce out of NJ to begin with?
I am tellin ya.....RUN, run fast and hard. We have been dealing w/ NJ for nearly 15 years. I am here to tell you....RUN!

also, some very good advice a lawyer told me once about filing in family court....Look at the whole picture, don't be so darned pigeon holed in your process. If this is the first time you are going to family court, what is the big picture? I realize you want to see your kid, I am hoping it's more of a fight to see your kid then about the money. Ours unfortunately turned into nothing but the money. Way LONG story there.

Anyhow, I have been trying really hard to read thru all your posts and responses from Soc and you really should drop out of NJ life forever and move it over and let NY handle it. That is my opinion. NJ does NOT favor the NCP and you will become a faint memory in your kids life. They could give a rats ASS about YOU and your kid. They are number and money people period! Got it?
which county?

which judge?

I would run with my hair on FIRE from the state of NJ for ANYHTING to have a hold on me if I were you.  Run like a screaming lunatic from that state! LOLOL....
Dear Socrateaser / RE: Arrearage miscalculations
Dec 05, 2004, 01:53:29 PM
The quitclaim was filed way before the judgment was filed. The lawyer we had file the quitclaim made sure we didn't have any judgments before she would file the quitclaim. The NV judgment was definitely not against any property. !UGH!

How can we use the prior court order to force NJ to perform the audit?

Where do ya find a forensic accountant?

Why shouldn't the audit/accoutning that was done for NV from NJ figures they provided carry any weight?

I will make sure and take the 11K under advisement...Thank you for letting me know about that gift limit! LOL

Dear Socrateaser / RE: Arrearage miscalculations
Dec 05, 2004, 10:02:56 AM
4 years ago NV got the order from NJ to enforce order of garnishment of 128.00 per wk in support and the court ordered amount of 25.00 a wk in arrearage payment. At that time, the arrearages have never been correct.

Mr. Jola contacted NV to get them to contact NJ to order an audit. After 6 months of NV bugging them and NJ never getting anything right. They got ONE audit....NV said that is it done and by the way we (NV) don't want this case anymore and closed it! We have all those lovely letters.

Mr. Jola missed nearly a years worth of CS at 550.68 a month accumulated, totaling 6600.00 for the year behind. So, that got added to what NV and NJ calculated and the total was around 9K. He got reemployed (he can never get a reduction when he looses his job...ever)

He was ordered to them pay back 28.00 per wk to arrearages which he was doing for a whole year. She got 1K of a tax return also.
So, it should have been deducted and an outstanding balance of around 6500.00 give or take a few bucks.
We never even got notified that NV was back in the picture until we went to refie and there was a personal judgmenet from NV for 11K.

We had filed a quit claim about 6 years ago and removed him from the house title.

Gawd, I hope this helps clear things up....And,  *I* DO** remember what you said to do...You said get your butt back in court and file ( cannot remember the name of the motion) and file contempt charges against NJ.  LOLOLOL ;)
We did not follow your advice, unfortunately. We felt since NV closed the case, it would all be OK...what a huge mistakola!
Dear Socrateaser / Arrearage miscalculations
Dec 04, 2004, 04:22:56 PM
Case is in NJ, kids reside in NJ. We live in NV. Two years ago we had a court order from judge for NJ to perform an audit. They did not and unfortunately we did not push the issue.
We refied our house in Nov and the arrearages stated by NV was 11K as a personal judgment against MR. Jola . NJ says they were 26K with NO personal judgment. So, when we wanted to pay off the 11K to NV they refused to take the monies and directed us back to NJ. Title company would not put the 26 in escrow and give us time to file a motion to enforce that one court order so, we sent the 26K fed exed to NJ.

1.  Can we still file and get an audit to get it cleared up and the correct amount claimed?

2. IF we do that how on earth would we ever recoop the monies?

to the other poster, not you Sherry1, cause your response was good!

But, you did not fuck her, you didn't make those kids, didchya? STOP IT!Right NOW! Geez~!

Try to make a deal w/ hubby.
This is what we do:
we don't get visitation cause the courts said it's too far for the kids(whatfuckingever)

he: deals w/ all communication w/ the xmommydearest.
he: deals w/ all court papers.
he: gathers all supporting docs.
he: gets papers in the mail

i: do better on the pc and internet searches, etc.
i: print them out and give them to him.
i: prepare all legal docs on the Pc, I do better than he.

WE: agree on a 7-10 turnaround time.
WE: TALK about the feelings this all incurs.
WE: MOVE ON after the above are met.
WE: agree on court papers filed. Afterall, this really does affect US. sheesh~

I think you best DROP your participation and let HIM deal w/ the x......

Can I get a peanut butter sandwich now? BWHAHAHAHAHHAH....oh wait
can Mr. Jola have a pillow in his bed? LOLOLOL

Sherry1 knows what I mean! LOLOL

how was it that the x-dad had any parental rights? Was he on the birth cert or something? Have you had a dna test done? Does this x-dad mistreat the kid? Are all of you (adults) amicable?

Middlesex? Oh GOD MAN.....RUN, run for your life! I just cringed when I read that. We have been dealing w/ middlesex for 15 years.

DO NOT hire Ed Schoifett out of New Brunswick....DO NOT!~

I would scoot on over to the Dear Socrateaser board and ask your questions over there. He is excellent and make sure you follow his board rules, or he won't answer your ?????'s. He IS a lawyer and follow his advice. He HATES NJ, just hates it~

There is a link on this site for lawyers that people have used and there is one there Leon soemthing out of NJ that is VERY helpful and WAY pro fathers rights.