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Is this on the money or off kilter?

Started by jolawanda, Dec 22, 2004, 05:33:05 PM

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State   Reporting   Data Elements   Method of   Multistate   Reporting of   Penalties?
Phone, Fax, Internet (including Web site,   Timeframe   as of 10/2001   Transmission   Reporting   Independent   Enforcement?
FTP, and E-mail), and Modem (BBS), EFT,            Capability?   Contractors?   
EDI address or number                  
(334) 353-8491 (phone)   7 days   W-4 elements, first day   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/employee
(334) 242-8956 (fax)      of work, newly hired or   tape, cartridge tape,         
Web site: //www.dir.state.al.us/nh      recalled; Optional:   diskette, bulletin         
E-mail: [email protected]      job refusal indicator (if    board system (BBS),         Not enforced
BBS:  (334) 242-0525      employee received a job   website         
(907) 269-6685 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:    mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $10/employee
(877) 269-6685 (toll-free phone)      date of birth, date of hire,   tape, cartridge tape,         $100/collusion
(907) 787-3197, 3181 (fax)      employer's state EIN   CD, and diskette         
(907) 269-6077 (fax)                  Not enforced
Web site: //www.revenue.state.ak.us.csed/                  
employer%20information.htm (info. only)                  
(888) 282-2064 (phone--new hire)   20 days   W-4 elements   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   None
(602) 340-0555 (phone--new hire)         magnetic tape,         
(602) 252-4045 (phone--child support)         cartridge tape,         
(888) 282-0502 (fax)         diskette, website,         
(602) 340-0669 (fax)         FTP, EFT         
Website: //www.az-newhire.com                  
E-mail: [email protected]                  
FTP: ftp.az-newhire.com                  
EFT: (602) 340-0703                  
(800) 259-2095 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements;   mail, fax,   Yes   No   
(501) 376-2125 (phone)      Optional:  date of birth   magnetic tape,          
(800) 259-3562 (fax)      date of hire, state of hire   cartridge tape,         
(501) 376-2682 (fax)         diskette, website         
Website:  //www.ar-newhire.com                  
(916) 657-0529 (phone)   prior to the new   W-4 elements, em-   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   Yes   $24/incident
(916) 654-6845 (technical information)   employee's 20th   ployee's start date, CA   tape, diskette         $490/collusion
(916) 653-5214 (fax)   day of work   employer account number            
Website:  //www.edd.ca.gov                  Not enforced
Website is for information and down-                  
loading employer reporting form.                  
(800) 696-1468   20 days   W-4 elements   mail, fax, magnetic     Yes   No   None
(303) 297-2849 (phone)      Optional:  date of hire,   tape, cartridge tape,         
(303) 297-2595 (fax)      payroll address   diskette, website         
Website: //www.conewhire.com                  
(860) 263-6310 (phone--new hire)   20 days   W-4 elements, date   mail, fax,   Yes   No   None
(800)228-5437(phone--child support)      of hire, CT tax registration   magnetic tape,          
(800) 228-5437 (fax)      number; Optional: contact   cartridge tape (limited)         
      and phone number            
(302) 577-7171   20 days   W-4 elements   mail, fax,   Yes   No   $25/employee
(302) 577-4848 (fax)         magnetic tape,         
E-mail:  [email protected]         cartridge tape,         Not enforced
District of Columbia                  
1-877-846-9523 (toll-free)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   phone, fax, mail,   Yes   No   None
(877) 892-6388 (toll-free fax)       date of hire, date of birth,   magnetic tape, car-         
      gender, employer contact   tridge tape, diskette,         
Website: //www.newhire.com/dc      and phone number   website, e-mail         
E-mail:  [email protected]                  
(888) 854-4791 (phone--new hire)   20 days   W-4 elements, date   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   None
(850) 656-3343 (phone--new hire)      of hire, address for income   magnetic tape,         
(888) 922-9590 (phone--child support info)      withholding order;   cartridge tape,         
(888) 854-4762 (toll-free fax)      Optional: date of birth,   diskette, website, FTP         
(850) 656-3225 (fax)      FL unemployment            
Website:  //www.fl-newhire.com      compensation account            
(888) 541-0469 (phone)   10 days   W-4 elements, date    phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   None
(404) 525-2985 (phone)      of birth, date of hire,   magnetic tape,         
(888) 541-0521 (fax)      employer's phone   cartridge tape,         
(404) 525-2983 (fax)      number; Optional:   diskette, website,         
Website:  //www.ga-newhire.com      medical insurance   FTP         
BBS or FTP: (404) 523-5863      availability            
(671) 475-3360 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date of   mail, fax   No   Yes for Guam   $24/employee
(671) 477-6118 (fax)      birth         government   $499/collusion
Website:  //www.guamcse.net               contractees   Not enforced
(808) 692-7029 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date of   fax, mail, magnetic   Yes   No   
(808) 692-7001 (fax)      hire   tape, cartridge tape         
(800) 627-3880 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date   mail, fax, diskette,   Yes   No   
(208) 334-6459 (phone)      of hire, employer's   website, e-mail         
(208) 332-7411 (fax)      unemployment insurance            
Website:  //www.labor.state.id.us/newhire      account number            
E-mail: [email protected]                  
(800) 327-HIRE [4473] (phone--new hire)   20 days   W-4 elements;   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   
(312) 793-0322 (phone--new hire)      Optional:  date of hire,   tape, cartridge         
(312) 793-9856 (technical information)      address for income   tape, diskette,         
(217) 557-1947 (fax)      withholding orders   website, e-mail         
Website:  //www.ides.state.il.us/html/newhire2.pdf                  
E-mail:  [email protected]                   
(866) 879-0198 (toll-free phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date of hire;   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $500/collusion
(317) 612-3028 (phone-Indianapolis metro area)      Optional: date of birth,   tape, cartridge tape,         
(800) 408-1388 (fax) or (317) 612-3036 (fax)      state of hire   diskette, website         
(317) 612-3036 (fax-Indianapolis metro area)                  
Website:  //www.in.gov or in-newhire.com                  
(866) 879-0198, ex. 110 (technical support)                  
E-mail: [email protected]                  
(515) 281-5331 (phone)   15 days   W-4 elements, date of   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   Yes*   Can be held in
(800) 759-5881 (fax)      birth, date of hire,   tape, cartridge tape         contempt of
Website: http://icer.dhs.state.ia.us/      employer's phone,            court in county in
      medical insurance            which employer
      availability, date of            does business
      qualification, address            
      for income withholding            Not yet enforced
(888) 219-7801 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements   mail, fax, diskette,   Yes   No   None
(785) 296-5025 (phone)         website, FTP         
(888) 219-7798 (fax)                  
(785) 291-3423 (fax)                  
E-mail:  [email protected]                   
FTP: ftp.hr.state.ks.us/incoming/newhires                  
(800) 817-2262 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $250/employee
(804) 771-9602 (phone)      date of birth, state of hire,   tape, cartridge tape         
(800) 817-0099 (fax)      date of hire, KY employer   diskette, website,         Not enforced
(804) 771-1908 (fax)      ID number, medical insur-   FTP         
Web site:  //www.ky-newhire.com      ance availability, contact            
FTP: (804) 771-9768      phone            
E-mail for questions/corrections only-no reports:                  
E-mail:  [email protected]                  
(888) 223-1461 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, occupation;   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   $25/occurrence
(225) 342-4591 (phone)      Optional: date of hire   magnetic tape,         $500/collusion
(888) 223-1462 (fax)         cartridge tape,         
(225) 342-4529 (fax)         diskette, website,         Not enforced
Website:  //www.dss.state.la.us         FTP, e-mail         
E-mail:  [email protected]                  
(800) 437-9611 (phone--in-state only)   7 days   W-4 elements, date   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   1st violation:
(207) 287-2886 (phone)      of birth; Optional: date of   magnetic tape,         written warning;
(800) 442-6003 (phone, child support)      hire, home and work   diskette, e-mail         thereafter, up to
(800) 437-9611 (fax--in state)      phones, occupation,            $200/month
(207) 287-6882 (fax)      income, frequency,            
E-mail:  [email protected]      medical insurance            Not yet enforced
      availability for employee            
      and dependent, cost,            
      whether dependent is            
      covered, employer's            
      DOL state ID number            
(888) MDHIRES (888) 634-4737 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/employee
(410) 347-9911 (phone)      of hire, MD unemployment   tape, cartridge tape         $500/collusion
(888) 657-3534 (fax)      account number (SUIN);   diskette, website,         
(410) 347-5993 (fax)      Optional: date of birth,   e-mail         Not enforced
Website:  //www.mdnewhire.com      gender, medical insurance            
E-mail:  [email protected]      availability, salary,             
      rate, employer contact,            
      phone, and fax            
(800) 332-2733 (phone)   14 days   W-4 elements, date of   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   Yes   
(617) 887-5049 or 5059 (fax)      hire or reinstatement   tape, cartridge tape         
(617) 887-5030 (technical support)                  
(617) 626-4154 (employer hot line)                  
Website:  //www.state.ma.us/cse                   
(800) 524-9846 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements;   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   None
(517) 318-1659 (fax--5 or fewer per week)      Optional:  date of birth,   tape, diskette (free         
Website: //www.minew-hires.com (info. only)      date of hire,   data entry software),         
E-mail: [email protected]      driver's license number   e-mail         
(800) 672-4473 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements;   phone, mail,   Yes   County govern-   $25/2nd time
(651) 227-4661 (phone)      Optional:  date of   fax, magnetic tape      ment agencies   Up to $500 for
(651) 227-4991 (fax--in state)      birth, date of hire,   cartridge tape,      must report in-   refusal to report
(800) 692-4473 (fax--out of state)      state of hire, em-   diskette, FTP, EFT,      dependent    
Website:  //www.mn-newhire.com      ployer contact and   website      contractors;   Not enforced
Website for information only      phone number         optional for   
FTP:  ftp.mn-newhire.com               private em-   
EFT:  (651) 222-4539               ployers   
EFT: (888) 305-7101                  
(800) 241-1330 (phone)   15 days   W-4 elements, date of hire,   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   None
(404) 808-9016 (phone)      contact name, state EIN;    tape, cartridge tape         
(800) 937-8668 (fax)      Optional: date of birth,   diskette, website,         
Website:      state of hire, gender   e-mail         
E-mail:  [email protected]                  
(800) 585-9234 (phone--employer hot line)   20 days   W-4 elements, date of   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/employee
(573) 751-2623 (phone--employer hot line)      hire (or date signed)   tape, cartridge tape         $350/collusion
(800) 859-7999 (phone--gen. info)                  
(573) 526-8079 (fax)                  
Website (for information only):                  
E-mail:  [email protected]                  
(888) 866-0327 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date of   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   None
(406) 444-9290 (phone)      hire, employer's state   magnetic tape,         
(888) 272-1990 (fax)      ID number, employer's   cartridge tape,         
(406) 444-0745 (fax)      phone, fax; Optional:   diskette, e-mail         
Website:      date of birth, state of            
//www.state.mt.us/revenue      hire, employee's home            
E-mail:      and work phones,             
[email protected]/revenue/newhire.html      medical insurance            
      availability, date of            
(888) 256-0293 (phone--new hire)   20 days   W-4 elements;   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/employee
(402) 691-9957 (phone--new hire)      Optional:  state of   tape, cartridge tape,         
(402) 479-5555 (phone--child support)      hire, employer contact   diskette, website         Not enforced
(888) 430-6906 (fax)      and phone number, date of            
Website:  //www.NEnewhire.com      birth, date of hire; medical            
E-mail:  [email protected] (info only)      insurance availability            
FTP: ftp.Nenewhire.com                  
(888) 639-7241 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   None
(775) 684-8685 (phone)      date of birth, date of hire,   tape, cartridge tape,         
(775) 687-4487 (phone--technical info.)      state of hire, NV EIN   diskette         
(775) 684-8681 (fax)                  
//www.state.nv.us/detr/es/newhire.htm (info)                  
New Hampshire                  
(800) 803-4485 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements; NHES   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   Yes   $25/employee
(603) 229-4371 (phone)      employer account    tape, diskette         $500/collusion
(888) 783-3598 (fax)      number, employer's            
(603) 229-4324 (fax)      phone; Optional: date of            Not enforced
      hire, contact, work state,            
      type of hire (employee or            
New Jersey                  
(888) 624-6339 (toll-free phone)   20 days   W-4 elements;   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   Yes ***   $25/employee
(877) NJ HIRES (654-4737) (toll-free phone)      Optional: date of birth, date   magnetic tape,         $500/collusion
(609) 689-1900 (phone)      of hire, gender   cartridge tape,         
(800) 304-4901 (toll-free fax)         diskette, website,         Not enforced
Website:  //www.nj-newhire.com         e-mail         
E-mail: [email protected]                  
New Mexico                  
(888) 878-1607 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   $20/employee
(505) 995-8230 (phone)      date of birth, date of hire,   magnetic tape,         $500/collusion
(800) 759-KIDS (child support info)      state of hire, employer's   cartridge tape,         
(505) 827-7200 (child support info)      payroll address, contact,   diskette, website,         Not enforced
(888) 878-1614 (toll-free fax)      phone, medical insurance   FTP         
(505) 995-8232 (fax)      availability            
Website:  //www.nm-newhire.com                  
E-mail:  [email protected]                  
E-mail not for new hire reporting                  
FTP:  (505) 820-6987                  
New York                  
(800) 972-1233, option 1 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements;   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/employee
(518) 438-3152 (technical info)      Optional:  date of hire   tape, cartridge tape,         $450/collusion
(518) 438-3715 (fax)         diskette         
Website:  //www.tax.state.ny.us/wt/                  No enf needed
North Carolina                  
(888) 514-4568 (phone--new hire)   20 days   W-4 elements, date of   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/employee
(919) 877-1011 (phone--new hire)      hire, state EIN;   tape, cartridge tape,         $500/collusion
(919) 874-0092 (technical support)      Optional: date of birth, em-   diskette, e-mail         
(919) 877-1019 (fax)      ployer contact and            Not enforced
Website:  //www.ncnewhires.com (info only)      phone            
E-mail:  [email protected]                  
North Dakota                  
(800) 755-8530 (phone, in-state only)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/employee
(701) 328-3582 (phone)      date of birth, date of hire,   tape, cartridge tape,         $500/collusion
(701) 328-5497 (fax)      state EIN   diskette, e-mail,          
(800) 366-6889 (for TDD service)         EFT (using Expedite         Not enforced
E-mail: [email protected]         software)         
(888) 872-1490 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date of   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/employee
(614) 221-5330 (phone)      birth, date of hire,    tape, cartridge tape,         $500/collusion
(888) 872-1611 (toll-free fax)      state of hire; Optional:   diskette, website,         
(614) 221-7088 (fax)      gender, Earned In-   e-mail         Not enforced
Website:  //www.oh-newhire.com      come Tax Credit             
E-mail:  [email protected]      claim, date of termination            
(800) 317-3785 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   None
(405) 557-7133 (phone)      of hire, state of hire;   tape, cartridge          
(405) 557-7297 (technical info.)      Optional: date of birth,   tape, diskette,         
(800) 317-3786 (fax)      OK employer account   website         
(405) 557-5350 (fax)      number, employer's phone,             
Website:      medical insurance             
//www.oesc.state.ok.us/newhire/       availability, occupation,            
      salary, rate, whether            
      employee has been            
(503) 378-2868 (phone--accepts collect calls)   20 days   W-4 elements   mail, fax, cartridge   Yes   No   None
(877) 877-7415 (toll-free fax)         tape, diskette         
(503) 378-2863, 2864 (fax)                  
(888) PAHIRES [724-4737] (phone)   20 business days   W-4 elements, date   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/occurrence
(717) 657-HIRE (4473)(fax)      of hire, employer contact   tape, cartridge tape,         
Website:  //www.panewhires.com      name and phone;   diskette, website         Not enforced
E-mail:  [email protected]      Optional: date of birth   e-mail, FTP         
Puerto Rico                  
(787) 767-1500 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, employer's   mail, fax   No (RENE accepts other   No   
(787) 767-3882; 765-1313 (fax)      state ID number, date of      states but they report by      
      birth, date of hire, state of      mail)      
      hire, salary            
Rhode Island                  
(888) 870-6461 (new hire info)   14 days   W-4 elements, medical   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   $20/employee
(401) 222-2847 (child support info)      insurance availability,   magnetic tape,         $500/collusion
(888) 870-6461 (phone reporting)      date of availability;   cartridge tape,         
(888) 430-6907 (fax)      Optional: date of birth,   diskette, website         Not enforced
Website:  //www.RInewhire.com      date of hire, state of hire,            
E-mail:  [email protected] (info only)      payroll address            
FTP: FTP.RInewhire.com                  
South Carolina                  
(888) 454-5294 (phone--new hire)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   $25/employee
(803) 898-9235 (phone--new hire)      date of birth, date   tape, cartridge tape,         
(800) 768-5858 (phone for child support)      of hire, employer's   diskette, website         Not enforced
(803) 898-9100 (fax)      phone number            
South Dakota                  
(888) 827-6078 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   None
(605) 626-2942 (phone)      date of birth, date of hire,   cartridge tape,         
(888) 835-8659 (toll-free fax)      state of hire   diskette, website         
Website: //www.state.sd.us/dol/newhire.htm                  

(888) 715-2280 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date of hire;   phone (up to 2),   Yes   No   $20/employee
(615) 884-2819 (phone)   Optional:   Optional: date of birth,   mail, fax, magnetic         $400/collusion
(615) 884-2827 (fax)   5 days   state of hire, gender,   tape, cartridge         
Website:   (recom-   medical insurance   tape, diskette,         Not enforced
//www.new-hires.com/tennessee   mended to)   availability, date   website         
E-mail:  [email protected]   help detect   of qualification, Earned            
   fraud in ui   Income Tax Credit            
   and wc pro-   availability, payroll ad-            
   grams)   dress, whether employee            
      has been terminated            
(888)TEXHIRE [839-4473] (phone--new hire)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   $500/collusion
(800) 252-8014 (phone--child support)      date of birth, date of hire,   magnetic tape, cart-         
(800) 732-5015 (fax)      state of hire, TX EIN,   ridge tape, diskette,         Not enforced
Website:  //www.texasnewhire.state.tx.us      salary, payday frequency,   website, e-mail, FTP,         
E-mail:  [email protected]      contact name   Shareware         
(800) 222-2857 (phone, in-state only)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   phone (up to 3),   Yes   No   After warnings,
(801) 526-4361 (phone)      date of birth, date of hire   mail, fax, magnetic         $25/employer
(801) 526-4391 (fax)         tape, cartridge tape,         $500/collusion
Website:  http://newhire.dws.state.ut.us         diskette, website         
(800) 786-3214 (child support)   20 days   W-4 elements   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   None
(802) 828-4286 (fax)         tape, cartridge         
Website:         tape, diskette,         
//www.det.state.vt.us/empsvc/empsvc.htm         website, EFT         
EFT: //www.det.state.vt.us                  
Virgin Islands                  
(340) 776-3700, ext. 2038 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date of   mail, fax, e-mail,   No   No   
(340) 774-5908 (fax)      birth, date of hire,   diskette         
E-mail:  [email protected]      state of hire; Optional:            
Website coming      employer's unemployment            
      insurance ID number            
(800) 979-9014 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   None
(804) 771-9733 (phone)      date of birth, date of hire,   tape, cartridge tape,         
(800) 688-2680 (fax)      state of hire, employer's   diskette, website         
(804) 771-9709 (fax)      VEC number, contact,   modem, FTP         
Website:  //www.va-newhire.com      phone            
modem:  (804) 771-9768                  
FTP: //www.va-newhire.com                  
(800) 562-0479 (phone-new hire)   20 days   W-4 elements,    phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   $25/employee
(800) 591-2760 (phone-empl. ombudsman)      date of birth   magnetic tape,         $500/collusion
(360) 586-4357 (technical support)         cartridge tape,         
(800) 782-0624 (fax)         diskette, website         Not enforced
Website: //www.wa.gov/dshs/newhire/                  
West Virginia                  
(877) 625-4669 (phone-new hire)   14 days   W-4 elements; Optional:   phone, mail, fax,   Yes   No   $25/employee
(304) 346-9513 (phone)      date of birth, date of hire   diskette, website         $500/collusion
(877) 625-4675 (toll-free fax)                  
(304) 346-9518 (fax)                  Not enforced
Website:  www/wv-newhire.com                  
(888) 300-4473 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements, date   phone, mail,   Yes   No   None
(800) 277-8075 (fax)      of birth, date of hire,   fax, magnetic         
Web site:      state of hire   tape, cartridge         
http://www.dwd.state.wi.us/uinh         tape, diskette,         
         website, EDI         
(800) 970-9258 (phone)   20 days   W-4 elements;   mail, fax, magnetic   Yes   No   None
(307) 638-1675 (phone)      Optional:  date of birth,   tape, cartridge tape,         
(800) 921-9651 (fax)      date of hire, employer   diskette (pre-formatted         
(307) 638-1686 (fax)      contact and phone   upon request),          
Website: wy-newhire.com      number   website, FTP         
* Definition of a "contractor" in Iowa:                  
  Who is 18 years of age or older;                  
  Who performs labor in IA and to whom a payor of income makes payments which are not                  
     subject to income withholding for child support;                  
  For whom the payor of income is required by the IRS to file a 1099 MISC form; and                  
  Who is a natural, individual person, NOT a corporation, government, business trust, estate,                  
     partnership, or other legal entity, however organized.                  


cause the other poster was wondering/ commenting on not being able to find an employer.

If you think it should be removed, go ahead, won't bother me. :)