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Messages - catherine

do you have any other links for it?
Child Support Issues / yes, an easy way
Nov 03, 2005, 07:18:13 PM
is to cash the CS check and give the money back to him.  Or deposit it into a joint account and he can grab the money out of it.
Child Support Issues / you're right
Oct 31, 2005, 10:57:24 AM
I read it wrong!  Hope you get the reduction.  In reading past case law in FL, make sure you keep calling and making sure you get a date booked or it will be ignored.
Child Support Issues / do you still need help?
Oct 31, 2005, 10:04:36 AM
I just found this article that states that CS in FL can not be modified back to the filing date for a reduction.
Child Support Issues / no
Oct 27, 2005, 08:30:50 AM
If you are dealing with the CSE in FL - they will not even forgive arrears if the CP agrees to it.  CSE in FL says the money is for the CHILDREN and therefore they will collect on the children's behalf, regardless of what the parents want.
I will say that those numbers are totally unrealistic.  Childcare for an infant under 2 yrs old is $175 per week in my area of FL.  That alone is $8400 and the gov's max limit is $5860 for everything for a kid that old?  No way.

Oh and I am a CP stepmom.  I just ran the numbers and according to this, PB should be paying $5036 per year, and she actually is ordered to pay $4320 per year.
Funny, as CP and NCP we had problems with clothes, big time!  The main problem being PB "stealing" the clothes.  Seems minor, but when you are CP and slowly all the clothes you have bought the kids end up with the NCP who only *wants* to see the kids 4 days a month - it gets frustrating.  When we were NCP we had clothes at our place, washed the clothes they came in and put them back in those clothes when they left.  Even this past weekend - PB put OSS in her raggy old clothes and "kept" the outfit he was wearing when he went there.
Birthday parties: - given (cake, pizza, soda.. etc) (In my case Dad attends but does not pay a dime even for his own pizza.)
>> Whoever wants to throw the party - CS can help - NCP isn't required to help

Birthday gifts for your child's friend's parties: (Your kid gets invited they need to bring a gift!)
> CS can help - NCP isn't required

Toys (They have NO toys at their father's house)
>> Ask them to divide their toys and take some to Dad's house.  CS doesn't cover this

Computer software for extra learning at home/Internet etc - (Their father doesn't pay for anything of the sort his house or mine)
>> CS doesn't cover this

Tutoring (I'm paying the $4600.00 Sylvan Learning Center bill myself because I elected to send our youngest son for professional help because he was failing every single class. It was not required.. but I believed we had no other recourse)
>> CS *may* cover this too - if you can prove to a court that the child has special needs it can be alloted.  If you have joint legal though, NCP would have to be consulted before paying for it and their might be a much cheaper alternative/tutor.

Drum lessons (Or piano, ballet, whatever your child is interested in)
Scouting fees (boy scouts/girl scouts)
>> CP's responsibility - NCP not required

Class trips to Washington DC (I paid the $300 fee myself for each of our kids because it was optional. If the kids hadn't gone.. they would have been the ONLY kids not to go.. but it wasn't required so I got to pay it.)
Class rings ($75 - $350) - Yearbooks ($50)
School photos/SENIOR photos!
Homecoming/Prom dress/hair, expenses.
8th Grade Graduation/1st Communion/Baptism family events/parties.
>>All of the above it's the CP's responsibility - CS isn't for extra items such as these.

Christmas/Birthday/Fathers day gifts to the other parent from the kids. (In my case I pay for the gifts my kids give their dad, and my DH pays for the gifts they give me)
>>Your own money - your choice.

If the child support is reasonable and doesn't break the back of the NCP, what I think it really comes down to is how much both parents want to contribute.  No one can force you to buy your kids toys/yearbook/clothes but I personally, LOVE to spend my money on my skids to see the happiness in their eyes when they get something new or something that they want.
Child Support Issues / buddy
Oct 26, 2004, 05:22:36 AM
You haven't read anything I've written, it's quite obvious.  
Child Support Issues / Because of an opinion
Oct 25, 2004, 12:46:35 PM
I have about another poster and you jumped to her defense - This is why you are hounding me?