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Preventing Unfair Seizure Of Tax Refunds

Support Enforcement offices will often authorize the seizure or "interception" of an IRS tax refund in order to recover arrearages in child support. Unfortunately, Support Enforcement offices frequently make mistakes, sometimes "calculating" an arrearage that doesn't actually exist.

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Power Of Attorney Forms

Use these forms to give Limited or General Power Of Attorney to your spouse, significant other, or anyone you want to be able to act in your behalf.

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Pre-Trial Prerequisites

Before going to trial or undergoing a parenting evaluation you will need to have certain information, documents and exhibits ready in case you have the opportunity to present them.

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Working With Your Child's School

Good ways to get and stay on friendly terms with the staff at your child's school.

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Cross-Examining The Shrink: Using The APA Guidelines

Many a psychologist jumps into a custody case eager to become an advocate and conspicuously disregards these very strict new rules. Here's how to prevent this.

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