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Pages: 1 2 [3] 4

First Aid Kit For Divorcing Dads

[b]YOU'VE BEEN HURT.[/b] If you don't act now, the wound may get worse. For most men, it's the first time such a massive shock has hit them -- they're off balance, reeling. The persons who have hurt them are probably preparing to take advantage of this imbalance to get in another shot.

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The Layman's Guide To Being A Good Client

This guide is intended to provide some basic DO's and DON'Ts for clients involved in litigation, with an emphasis towards divorce proceedings. Think of it as a list of things that he'd probably tell you if he realized you didn't already know them.

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Allegations Of Child Sexual Abuse In Divorce Cases: Responding To Criminal Charges

If you've been accused of molestation or sexual abuse, this is a "must read" article. Make sure your attorney reads it as well. There is a wealth of information in this document that can help your attorney defend you- unless he is already an expert at this kind of litigation he'll want to read this carefully.

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The Fathers' Rights Survival Guide

This is a comprehensive list of recommendations for men who are facing marital separation and divorce where children are involved. These recommendations are not legal advice, but are common-sense suggestions worth understanding.

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Divorcing But Still In The Same House - Essential Preparations

This article is written primarily for men, because they are frequently kicked out of the house by being served with a restraining order. With no warning or chance to pack, these men find themselves on the street with no access to their possessions or records.

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