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CPS - what's your experience?

Started by slkslk, Dec 29, 2006, 10:22:39 AM

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All parties reside in NC.  Divorce was 6 years ago - there were no custody issues when CPS cases (3) were opened.  Ex had supervised visitation only due to long standing mental health issues (he voluntarily agreed to those terms.)

Ex found with substantiated child abuse cases against our daughter (SA and injurious environment) and against his former step-son (neglect and injurious environment.)  Daughter 'disclosed' to numerous authorities - allegations did not come from me or my family.  Final CPS recommendation was absolutely no unsupervised contact, supervision by a qualified third party for visits.  CPS cases resulted in a 19 month
no contact period between Dad and Daughter.  NOw, based on my initiative, they are seeing each other for daytime, supervised visits.

Ex has denied the SA, alleged that it is PAS by me.  He appealed through CPS to their highest authority - they did not overturn their substantiation or their recommendations.  Now he is supposedly suing the county in Federal Court for violating his civil rights.

Now we are in full custody evaluation.  All I am hoping for is safely supervised visitaion.  Ex is claiming that he is "going for full custody".

1) Based on your experience and knowing just this small snapshot, how often do you think the courts and custody evaluator (in this case an independent PhD forensic psychologist) will go against the CPS recommendations?

2) Do they ever think the school, pediatricians, therapists and all of CPS authorities (daughter went to medical doctors, social workers and case workers at length) all have it wrong?

I'm psyching myself out a bit here and am scared of losing my precious daughter.  She's been through so much and I honestly just want her safe and happy.  I have no interest in punishing Dad, just in keeping this wonderful child safe.

Thanks for any past stories you might be able to share.



>1) Based on your experience and knowing just this small
>snapshot, how often do you think the courts and custody
>evaluator (in this case an independent PhD forensic
>psychologist) will go against the CPS recommendations?

Never, unless there is proof of some intentional/negligent action/omission on the part of the investigator(s).

>2) Do they ever think the school, pediatricians, therapists
>and all of CPS authorities (daughter went to medical doctors,
>social workers and case workers at length) all have it wrong?

You're being paranoid.

>I'm psyching myself out a bit here and am scared of losing my
>precious daughter.  She's been through so much and I honestly
>just want her safe and happy.  I have no interest in punishing
>Dad, just in keeping this wonderful child safe.

Yes you are. Have a few hot toddies and enjoy your weekend.


What a great person you must be!

Thank you for this.  Of course, it's what everyone here keeps saying too, but what an emotional issue.  Good to hear from someone objective.

Happy New Year!


I can understand her concern. Even if the criminal justice system works 99% of the time, it's the few oddball cases that get lots of media attention. With so much at stake, it's nerve-wracking for everyone involved. Even the best of parents have to worry that something will go wrong.

Unfortunately, I don't see that changing any time soon.


Thank you!  That is so true.

Fortunately, I've been my daughter's primary support since birth.  And I've got LOTS of collatoral on my "side" while my ex doesn't really have any (except the word of his parents.)  

It's tough to not have an emotional response to his threats... but then I just play into his hands.  I can't afford that for my sweet girl's sake.

This is a great site...