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Help Help Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Started by jb n jg, Sep 22, 2005, 05:03:38 PM

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jb n jg

I need some serious help with my bf's ex.She is giving us a problem with her daughter going to school.She owes him $6,000 in child support and has left numerous threatening messages on our answering machine.She also now wants to know where we live but I feel very very unsafe with her knowing where we live.She has a history of past violence and her own daughter has watched her beat up her aunt and my bf had to go get her before the police came so that she wouldn't be placed in DSS custody.She has been to court twice for nonpayment of support and yet she's still not paying and she still gets to see her.She is very unpredictable and has a very violent past and I'm worried for my step daughter.But my bf says that he called for help DOR and the courts and every one says there's nothing he can do.He's letting her take her this weekend and I'm worried that she won't bring her back and she is supposed to start school in a week or so and if her mother keeps her is it kidnapping?I mean we have physical custody and they share legal custody.There is alot that goes with this and I'm too tired to type anymore so if any one has any suggestions on what he can do to either get her to pay support or even to get visits taken away for interfering with school please let me know of a way b/c I'm am at wits end with this woman I don't want her to win this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My ex is over $20k in arrears to our son (more to his other kids) Not much you can do if that parent isn't working OR working under the table.  I pushed my cs case worker to file contempt and he will probably be going to jail again soon. They can suspend licenses, put liens on banks accounts and real property if you push the support worker.

As for visitation that is totally seperate from CS, you cannot deny visitation if for non payment of CS.

If she fails to return the child, you go with your court order and a police officer or Sherriff and pick up the kids.

Then you go to court and file contempt.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**

jb n jg

This will be her third contempt in court for non payment of C.S.and the last time he took her to court for non payment the judge asked why she hadn't paid and she said she didn't feel she needed to because my bf makes enough at his job.I'm sorry but Mother's and Father's should have the same rights.I mean if a father doesn't pay they throw his picture on a wanted poster but if she doesn't pay she gets praise for it.Are the laws for mother's and father's different?She has also left very threatening messages on our answering machine and is very unpredictable,we have been stalling on giving her our address(we use his grandmother as pickup and dropoff)for she has such a violent past that I don't trust her knowing where we live she is the type that if she doesn't get her way she would break every window in our cars and house even if her daughter was sleeping here.There was an incident about a year or so back when her gaughter went in her purse and pulled out cocaine and the courts still did nothing about it.Me and my bf are at wits end with this,she needs to be in school and have a stable life.Do you know of any websites that might be able to help?


you have mail.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


Keep Child Support SEPARATE from the parent's time with the child.

IF she's not paying, do what you've been doing by taking her back to court.

IF she's threatening you and has a violent past, get a restraining order.

If she's hurting the child, again, that has to be addressed in a court room and maybe the judge will clearly state that Dad doesn't have to give Mom certain information as long as the neutral pick-up and drop-off point is working.

My EX complained that he doesn't have my cell phone number over the weekends when I have our son.  I told the judge that I get harrassed by my DH's EX wife who got the number from my EX's Camilla....picture a triangle o.k.?....and now I do not have to give my EX my cell phone number.

Separate the issues and fight them one at a time.....and usually that forum is in a courtroom.


If she works file with the D.A.'s office to have the child support and arrears taken out of her paycheck. If there is a CO for CS there is nothing they or she can do to prevent them from garnishing her paycheck.