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DH might be let go

Started by Ref, Sep 29, 2005, 11:45:23 AM

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Dh has been under the threat of being laid off fo years now, but now it seems like it might happen this week.

Any advice about what he should do as soon as he gets laid off? He will not be able to get a job in the same field or at the same pay level because the whole industry is not doing well.



After 9/11 my dh was laid off, not many job in his line of work, he was approved for retrainig and got unemployment, then got his cs reduced by about $150 a month (based on his unemployment income)

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


How does he prove that he can not get a job in the field making the same money? The industry is going downhill and there are very few companies in the area that do what he did.

What about savings? Will the court take into savings that we have accumulated over the years? Will they look at the joint accounts or just his own? How can we prove that the money is mostly mine and should not be considered? If it is easier for us to have seperate accounts for this, how do I withdraw my money without it looking like he is hiding anything?

What about stock? If we had stock, do the courts look at that as something to be liquidated fo child support reasons?

Do courts usually allow a few months for the parent to get back on his feet without demand that he get a job (ie. a temporary reduction) or do they simply recaculate based on unemployment until that expires? How do they look at him having a flexible, lower paying job so that he can go to school?

I would hate for him to become in arrears and just want to do what's right.

Thanks for any advice and any stories of issues you have come across.



file for a reduction right away, based on unemployment.  when he gets a job, refile based on current pay rate.  it'll show good faith.  you could also consult with a HR consultant who can write up on his industry and the market and supply a report to be used for the CS calculation, if it goes to trial.

we filed and got a 35% reduction.  problem was the industry, my husband's a doctor a his malpractice TRIPLED in two years.  of course, the BM fought it, said he should be making more.  all we did at trial was produce the malpractice bills to show the trend and the judge agreed this was out of our control and ordered the reduction.


he can write a list of places he has applied and not gotten the job.

It was pretty easy with my dh as the field of his worked dropped due to 9/11 (areospace industry)

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**