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a fee for garnishment of child support

Started by miguel, Nov 17, 2006, 07:58:56 AM

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My child support is and has always been garnished from my paycheck. I am with a new payroll company and they are charging me a fee because my child support is garnished. I have never heard of such a thing and I have been paying child support for 12yrs. Is this Legal?


Yup it is legal. I think they can charge up to a certain % of the CS deduction.



Check your state's statutes.   I live in MT and my state allows employers to charge a fee of up to $25 per item garnished.


Yep, I recently got a nasty shock to.

Grounds enough to switch jobs if you can.

How dare you not be politically correct and actually CARE about your own money? NCP's don't have the right to CARE for themselves LOL!!


In my state, the employer can charge $2.00 per pay period for administrative costs associated with the garnishment. Working in a company where it is my job to watch the bottom line, I feel this is fair to my company as we do incur costs in the process.

However, as a payee too, it grinds on me to pay this fee when I was the one who requested the CS go through CSE because of my ex's false claims I was not paying. I wanted rock solid proof that I was paying. My ex has not filed any false claims since I took this action.

So, I feel the fees should be assessed on a case by case basis. If the CP has to go through CSE to get the money paid, then the NCP should have to pay the fees. If it is a case like mine, I believe the fees should be assessed against the CP and deducted from the CS payments.



>In my state, the employer can charge $2.00 per pay period for
>administrative costs associated with the garnishment. Working
>in a company where it is my job to watch the bottom line, I
>feel this is fair to my company as we do incur costs in the
>However, as a payee too, it grinds on me to pay this fee when
>I was the one who requested the CS go through CSE because of
>my ex's false claims I was not paying. I wanted rock solid
>proof that I was paying. My ex has not filed any false claims
>since I took this action.
>So, I feel the fees should be assessed on a case by case
>basis. If the CP has to go through CSE to get the money paid,
>then the NCP should have to pay the fees. If it is a case like
>mine, I believe the fees should be assessed against the CP and
>deducted from the CS payments.

The only problem with that is it leaves it up to some bureaucrat to decide who pays what.

My view is that the less power we give to the state, the better - especially since we're only talking about a couple of dollars.


A couple of dollars each week = $104 dollars per year of MY money in someone else's pocket because of HER BS.

I paid faithfully. Had all the cancelled checks with her signature on the back to prove it. She filed false charges. What did the court do? NOTHING. She filed FALSE charges against me asking that I be JAILED. Let's think about how many laws SHE violated.

It's not a bureaucrat deciding, it's what should be done. Period. It is another piece of the sick puzzle that makes it so hard for things to be right for all involved and most importantly, the children who are victimized by these hostile CP's.

Will there ever be justice in the courts for NCP's who are abused by the hostile CP's who use the courts to exact their revenge?

You and I see this from different angles. It is the principle of the matter. Wrong is wrong. AND wrong is being upheld as right.

Can I do anything about it? Hell no. My solution? Let it go and look to the day when this is DONE which isn't too far off.