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Child Support Hell

Started by dennis_halsey, Oct 28, 2006, 03:54:08 PM

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This posting struck me as weird so I did a quick little search and Mr. Halsey appears to be a real person who lives in TN.

Last thing I saw on the net for him was from 12/06 and there is a SO in his life so I suppose the CS issue wan't the end of him.

The events we get dragged into going through these divorce, custody, and CS issues can oftentimes get overwhelming. I am sure many of us think of drastic measure fixes that really aren't a real solution to anyone's problems. Just a "fantasy" of "payback" in a difficult situation that is oftentimes made even more difficult by some of the players involved.

Usually, the end result is we by and large behave like responsible adults, pull ourselves up by out boot straps and figure out a way to get through the psychological and financial mess that we end up in. I am sure as with any traumtic life event, there are a few that don't make it and for whatever reasons, things end in tragic ways (we are all seeing the ANS tragedy unfold still).

Mr. Halsey has left information on the www that we all know opens him up to identity theft and Lord knows what else. He has been advised to remove this information, yet has failed to do so. His choice, but not an intelligent one.

However, it appears he has not "off'd" himself as far as I can tell and the post was not a "troll".

I certainly hope his financial issues were able to be resolved and that the courts have kept a hand in his contact with the children as I truly believe it should be monitored.

These loose cannons do us a world of damage in our quest for fair and equal justice in the family court.

Thought you all would appreciate an update!

BTW - his pic is posted on the net. No pizza boxes necessary!