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Father wants his child back!!!

Started by Bolivar, Jan 19, 2005, 12:10:42 PM

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Father wants his child back!!!

Threatens to blow up van near the White House if his child is not given back.


----HACKal Message-----
From: ANCPR [mailto:noreply@a...]


I hope that you have got word about the father who threatened to blow
up his van in front of the White House because of the situation with
respect to the custody of his child. See http://ancpr.com/blogs
(http://ancpr.com/blogs) We sent this story out on the previous

Here's what must be done immediately, while this story is still in
the news:

1. Go to http://ancpr.com/staterepresentatives.htm
(http://ancpr.com/staterepresentatives.htm) now and get the phone
numbers for all your representatives.

2. As soon as their offices open, CALL THEM ON THE PHONE. Don't
email. Call them. You won't be able to talk with your representative
directly, but you will be able to talk to one of their legislative
aides. These people are on your payroll. It's their job to listen to
you and what is on your mind.

3. Tell these people that you sympathize with the man who took this
desparate action in the nation's capitol. Tell them that you want
them to know that you understand exactly what this man is going
through and that you have had a similar experience.

Under no circumstances be apologetic and weak. Don't say, "of course, I don't support what he did." Of course you don't support blowing up yourself in front of the Capitol. However, you don't need to say that.

Be strong. Be assertive. Just say, I understand, and I support him in
his fight to get attention to the injustice that is destroying so
many families, fathers, mothers, their children, in family courts
across the nation. Tell them in no uncertain terms that this isn't a
local problem, it's national, and it will need to be addressed on a
national basis. Be really forceful on this issue.

[font size=+2]I have a little thing to ask of each of you. Give some thought to this:

Let's say that a court took your car away from you and gave that car to someone else. Then the court made you pay the car payment, the insurance, the gasoline and general maintenance costs of the car. What would you do? I submit you'd all, each and every one of you, be out in the streets rioting. Many of you would quite possibly shoot the judge who made the order! Yet, let them take your children, and then make you pay money to the very person who destroyed your family, and what do you do? If you are like most, you just hide in a hole like Saddam Hussein.[/font]

If it's true that we get the kind of government that we deserve, then
that is a very sad statement about fathers in America.

Give this some thought,

Lowell Jaks, ANCPR


>>Under no circumstances be apologetic and weak. Don't say, "of course, I don't support what he did." Of course you don't support blowing up yourself in front of the Capitol. However, you don't need to say that.<<

Excuse me? Don't say you dont support what he did to not sound "apologetic and weak"? How about sounding SANE??

It's dimwitted dad's like this that make the effort those who are fighting for equality in the courts harder. These idiots are the people the ones who make the decisions remember.

He shouldn't have custody if he is that far off his rocker. If a mother who attempts to kill her kids shouldn't have custody, then a man who tries to blow up and potentially hurt innocent people should be kept away from his kids too. There is obviously a viable reason he's being denied custody.

I don't care how sympathetic anyone is to how someone feels, there is no reason to condone or otherwise excuse dumb behavior. Not saying anything against it is just as bad as saying you condone it.


ALL RIGHT! You know I will take action on this...
And passed this along.

"Children learn what they live"


I new I could cout on you MYSONSDAD!!!!!

It's a very simple phone call.  3 minute talk.

Anyway when is the last time one has contacted there rep.


I can promise one thing, it will be more then one call...

For me, it has been awhile, and most of the time I followup with an e-mail. If everyone here took that 3 minutes, what a difference that could make...

"Children learn what they live"