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PaternityFRAUD.com needs a Pennsylvania victim, today

Started by FIRM, Oct 03, 2005, 02:45:11 PM

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Paternity Network Newsletter

October 3, 2005Keeping you up-to-date! NY Times features story on paternity ...

PaternityFRAUD.com needs a Pennsylvania victim, today ... can u help?
URGENT – Monday, 10-03-05

I need a paternity fraud victim that

is trapped by a Pennsylvania child

support order for a media story.

If you are willing to talk with a reporter

and have proof that you are not the father

and the child support order was started in

Pennsylvania, especially Military men.

Call 404-289-3321 NOW or

email: [email protected]

Carnell Smith comes to Washington, DC conference to discuss "Paternity Lotto"
Carnell Smith is a non-marital paternity fraud victor, founder and executive director of the United States Citizens Against Paternity FRAUD. Smith was the driving force behind the landmark Georgia paternity fraud legislation that became law on May 9, 2002.

He is a nationally recognized expert on paternity fraud and has testified in favor of paternity fraud legislation from Florida to California. Carnell has made numerous radio and television appearances on America's paternity fraud crisis. Shows that include (CBS Early Show, ABC World News, Abrams Report ), and he has been frequently quoted in major newspapers (USA Today, Washington Times, Orlando Sentinel, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, Star Tribune).

The Second Annual Men's Equality Congress is not an organization, but an event. It is sponsored and endorsed by a diverse group of men's organizations. Sponsors include; The American Coalition for Fathers and Children, HISSIDE, The National Coalition of Free Men, MENWEB Magazine, BatteredMen.com , Abuse-Excuse.com, Domestic Abuse Hotline for Men, MENSACTIVISM.org, TheMensCenter.com, MENSIGHT Magazine, FathersDay DC, National Organization of Restoring Men, National Congress for Fathers and Children, National Family Justice Organization, MensNewsDaily.com, PaternityFraud.com, InternetVisitation.org, and InnocentDads.org.

Many members of the sponsoring organizations will attend as well as interested member of the general public. Men's issues effect everyone. Please attend and let your voice be heard.

National Men's Equality Congress
Matt Campbell
Phone: 703-945-0027
Fax: 301-519-9540
[email protected]

More news for Paternity Fraud victims and supporters
Carnell Smith led Freedom Rally for FL family law hostages http://groups.yahoo.com/group/us-capf/message/764

I say absolutely that men should be allowed to confirm the paternity of any and ALL children that he is alleged or presumed as the biological father. The facts are that some mothers are committing paternity fraud (intentionally and accidentially). There is no other practical low cost way to verify paternity besides legal DNA testing unless you can get 100% of the mothers to tell the truth about all paternity candidates.

LIST Owner: PaternityFRAUD.com c/o 4 Truth Identity Inc., 3013 Rainbow Drive, Suite 120, Decatur, GA 30034 (404) 243-7667
Men get a DNA test! Ladies help your son, husband or boyfriend get a DNA test!
=== WHAT ABOUT YOU, still thinking paternity fraud can't happen to you? ===

- Been asked to sign paternity papers or divorce papers?

Dates are not consistent with date of intimate contact?

Did the mother, her friends or her family say "kid is not yours"?

Did your family or your friends say "you need a paternity test"?

Discovered that your wife or girlfriend has other intimate partners?

Noticed that the child looks amazingly like your friend or relative?

Never go by looks alone.

Never take anyone's word about you being the biological father.

Never assume you are the biological father based "dates of conception".

Never admit to paternity without a legal DNA test. You do not have all of the facts and assuming ...

Never assumed that you can get another test if you buy a home paternity test, always get a legal DNA test.

Did you know that a majority of paternity fraud cases reported to Carnell Smith were married / divorced men ?

Get the 99.99% money back guarantee (see 911DNAtest.com for details) ... truth is a good thing!

STOP – YOU MAY BE IN DANGER of Paternity Fraud like 1 of 3 men that got tested were not the fathers. [AABB report]

see //www.911DNAtest.com for a help getting a legal DNA test in all 50 states from Paternity Fraud victor (Carnell Smith).

Did you know that you can help me fight paternity fraud?
Order the multimedia CD about "Real Life" story of paternity fraud [Buy 3, 1 for your senator, your rep and keep one]

For ordering and product information (contains US-CAPF theme song, two videos and paternity fraud mini-website on

the CD, call 404-289-3321 or email: [email protected]

Real friends tell others to see //www.PaternityFRAUD.com for a real education on "cuckolding".

A major redesign of the website is coming ..

Paternity Fraud victim wins, Tell others about this Appellate decision
See a shocking video – two child support orders with different men.

How does a mother get away with filing for child support in two counties with two different men and gets paid from both? Guess what? The Army man was proven innocent by DNA paternity at 0.00%, but was ordered to pay the mother by default. Wonder how many military men have been scammed or are currently being duped by false paternity?

View the video and tell your US Congressmen and US Senator about taxpayer fraud.

Click http://www.man4justice.com/paternity/2orders-lo.wmv

For the whole news release, click http://www.man4justice.com/nfja/71904nfja.html


Equality is not a difficult concept...