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I need suggestions

Started by lalightning, May 22, 2006, 07:31:24 PM

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here my problem:

my ex wife moved to Minnesota I stay in Louisiana.  In our court order i am suppose to get my son every summer.  I am suppose to pick him on june 1st.  I called and told her 3 months in advance of my plans.  she calls on may 1st saying that a kindergarden student got a letter saying he needs to go to summer school.  I called the school and talked to his teacher.   The teacher told me that she doesnt want my son to have a falling out during the summer so she suggest the summer school but i could do the same things. she sent me info about what she was going to do.  the ex told me i couldnt get my son on the 1st and i wouldnt be able to get him until 29th.  some people to still go up there and file a report if she refuses to give visitation.  so should i go up there knowing that i probably wont get him without a fight. or wait until the 29th?


Send her a certified letter of intent from this website and add in there that you spoke to the teacher and she stated that you could do it from your house. (I would allso call/write the school and see if they will put in writing that he does not have to go to summer school). I would overnight it to her. Does your court order state June 1st on it? (or you picked those weeks?) Good luck!


If the court order says you get him the whole summer, then show up BUT you need to make sure the court is definitive on the dates. If it just says summer, then the earliest the courts might think that is OK is the last day of school after school lets out. If it lets out prior to June 1st go as planned. If it lets out after, show up on the last day of school with court orders in hand.
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.


i have specific dates that i get him.  doesnt say summer months.


There are very many websites to help you in preparing and educating your child.  A teacher is NOT the only one able to educate a child.  

To say that you don't get to see your child because the other parent is lacking in properly educating or preparing the child for Kindergarden (of all grade levels) is simply preposterous.  I would document any action that she takes and save it to show her unwillingness to allow parenting time.

Go and take your time. If she refuses, then call the cops.  Take your court order and  I would suggest that you use a good time tracker and document all pickups and dropoffs, as well as any other contact with the other parent.  

If you need a good time tracker the Parenting Time.net software Optimal is a well thought out way of keeping track of your parenting time.



what i have done is kep all my phone records of every time i have called or received a call from my son.  at one point from september to january i didnt even talk to him or even know how he was doing because she never answered the phone.  i am taking the right steps to show lack of cooperation and i thank each and every one of your comments and suggestions.  what i am going to do is fly up there on june 1st.  go to the local police station before i try to pick him up and then go and try.  if she is not there or refuses then i will call the cops if the cops didnt come with me to begin with.