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Started by dancurry, Jul 27, 2006, 08:38:43 PM

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Good Evening Radicals, Rascals sand Revolutionaries,

Some here may already know me, or know of me, but most of you will not. I began a fight for my rights as a father when my daughter was merely 14 years old.

In the past 6 years have have fought battles that would baffle your mind. Many eventually became victories, while other battles still loom in the not so distant future.

I tell you this because in order to really know what the plith of fathers are in this battle, you must have lived it or studied it from up close.

I have gone from near postal to passive prisoner in the last 4 years. I live the life of an oppressed father but honestly believe that in the end I will prevail and you may very well too, if you stand your ground and keep your cool.

I wanted to take this time to re-intruduce myself as I may very well be posting here on a semi-regular basis.

Greetings to all and especially My dear Friend Waylon.


You continue to fight a good fight and in the end...I believe you will be the better person for it! Keep up the good work.
