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School Letter isn't working

Started by mrshaddit, Sep 25, 2006, 02:26:52 PM

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O.K. heres the situation.  I have always been able to send SASE to the schools for my stepkids. (of course they think it's from hubby)
Well, my step daughter is going to a new school (in a different state).  I e-mailed the school a copy of the letter,along w/ a copy of my husbands divorce decree (stating he is allowed to have these things) well, we got NO response from the e-mail which made us wonder if thats where she was even going to school, then my husband called the school and spoke w/ an asst. principal, he said "Yeah, I recieved the e-mail it brought up an interesting question" and my husband said "what was that?" he said "can you not get this stuff from her mother?" husband said " I thought I explained all that in the e-mail" asst. principal said "well, call back in a couple of days cause I don't know about this".
So, I e-mailed them a copy of the FERPA rights, and of course no response.  I have my SASE I am going to send certified along w/ the same e-mails I have sent, and I am also going to fax the same things in the morning.
Any other suggestions?


Call the district number (above the principal). You would like to talk to the superitendent but if he is "busy" then ask for his fax number and fax a letter over to him. I can not believe that the school has not dealt with this in the past....I would add a line that "in this day and age where divorces occur frequently that a policy should be put into place but that there are alreeady federal laws regarding it" and attach the FERPA laws....
Good luck!


I would send another letter to the principal explaining in the nicest way possible the situation and cc the superintendent (make sure to write cc superintendant on the bottom of the letter). Send both letters certified. Tell them that you would be happy to discuss this with them and gove them several ways to contact you.

If that doesn't work, you can always send copies to the school's attorney (you can probably find out who that is on their webpage.

Good Luck


We tried all that route then got action in the form of the school districts attorney, he said that the forms we requested were anything that either parent can request.  

Just food for thought.


on the bottom of the letter note CC: Mr./Ms. XXX XXX, Superintendant of Schools, XXX XXXX, XXX county Legal Department.

Send certified return receipt requested. Your husband should call the school after the receipts come back and let the dumbass ass. principal know that the clock is ticking and he will be filing a complaing with the DOE and that federal funding is tied to compliance.

He needs to try to be nice, but firm.

It is an uphill battle. 6 years and we get hardly any communications from the school and nothing from the mother. Ours is a full blown PAS case in which the child doesn't even contact my husband at this time and there is no visitation taking place. Just keep plugging away and if you get success, wonderful, if not, and you reach a point where you don't see the point in trying anymore, it is time to evaluate the situation and decide if it's time to quit or not.

I hate these people who are in authority and SHOULD do the right thing, but go along with the witches who are stealing children from their fathers. How do these people sleep at night?

good luck.


Sometimes the schools will only send the bare minimum, like the latest report card but you have to keep requesting information each report card period. You might get  a lot less then you think you will.

After some gentle nudging when SD went to highschool. (We had to write the principal and cc the Super).The school has sent us the report cards (mostly on time), teacher listing including email addresses and dates of progress reports.

DH sent the request for an email on SD's progress after progress reports came out from all of her teachers. Most came back timely and suprisingly, a couple of the teachers THANKED DH for keeping up with SD.

Unfortunately, BM and SD are pissed at DH right now, so where any of this information on her progress in school goes, I have no idea. She's having some problems (nothing critical right now) but it would be super if BM would communicate with DH like an adult about it. I digress.....

Good Luck