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News Story - Father speaks out, wants custody of son

Started by harmony1, Dec 11, 2006, 08:25:37 AM

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Holy cow.  I'm a mother, and a custodial AND non-custodial parent.  Imagine if there were such a thing as Assumed Joint Custody in every divorce - then this poor child could have been spared at least some of this horrible abuse and would probably be home right now with his father where he belongs!!


Actually, in OK, there is a strong preference for shared joint custody. I can't remember the wording, so don't take this as a legal opinion, but my attorney says that the other side has the burden of proof to establish that one parent is unfit before the courts will award sole custody.

In fact, there seems to be a strong preference in the law for shared physical custody, as well, or at the very least regular and continued access to the parent without primary physical custody.

Of course, there is sometimes a discrepancy between the law and whether a particular judge chooses to follow the intent of the Legislature, but that presumably occurs everywhere.

The most amazing thing to me is that Oklahoma (right in the middle of the most conservative section of the country) is leading the way in shared parental rights.


>Holy cow.  I'm a mother, and a custodial AND non-custodial
>parent.  Imagine if there were such a thing as Assumed Joint
>Custody in every divorce - then this poor child could have
>been spared at least some of this horrible abuse and would
>probably be home right now with his father where he belongs!!

The child would still have been abused.  And the father would still have to file for sole custody.  In the meantime, the child would still be spending half the time with his mother.  The article didn't say if the pervert was out of the house.  I hope so.  


Yes, the perv is locked up.  He also caught other unrelated charges. Major Charges on top of his sickening deeds.


I am wondering if the child is away from the mother right now.  She either knew or should have known of the risks involved with this sicko.  I would hope that the courts would not allow the child to be around the mother at this time.  It is way too soon.  Her judgement should be called into question.  Safety is definitely a concern, Big Time.