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wife abandoned us

Started by inky, Apr 22, 2007, 03:25:29 PM

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hello everyone, this is a long and weird story but to get to it. My wife and I have been married for 12 years, we have 4 kids all under 12. last Wednesday I took my wife to work and when I arrived to pick her up that night she was gone. of course everyone was very worried a missing persons was filed and the police were involved. her father accused me of murder. Friday night it was finally found out that she is in Washington state with her sisters ex-husband who raped my wife when she was 14. unbelievable right? I know it sounds like a bad lifetime movie. anyways since she was found she still has not called or contacted us in any way. Obviously I need to get custody before she decides to return (if she ever does) I have pretty much zero money. so i need some advice on where to turn. A lawyer is pretty much out. we are in California and she is as of now in Washington. I've never been in any legal actions other then speeding tickets so I need all the help I can get. I would like to get this stuff started tomorrow.


Wow, first let me say that I'm sorry you and your children are going through this.  

CALL an attorney right now.  Call around and find someone who will do pro bono work or something.  


>Wow, first let me say that I'm sorry you and your children
>are going through this.  
>CALL an attorney right now.  Call around and find someone who
>will do pro bono work or something.  

You might try a local law school if you have one. Some of them do pro bono work for community members, although some only do it for students at that university.


I'm so sorry about what you and your children are going through.

The first thing you do is file eviction papers, and change the locks.  See if you can get a restraining order, as well.

Gather all material such as the missing persons report, anything to do with her being raped by this man, etc.  Can you find someone who would submit a notorized affadavit detailing bizarre behavior, etc?

Go to the courthouse and get paperwork for dissolution of marriage and sole legal and physical custody.  Ideally, you would try and get the paperwork on your computer (scan to a Word document?), and not hire a paralegal.  I did, and it was a mess.  I'm talking about the typing.

Keep it succinct and to the point.  I hear judges hate looking through lots of paperwork.  As for  visitation, I would go with supervised due to her obvious mental state.  Have a child care plan in place like yesterday.  

When you file your paperwork, you will get a court date.  Mail a copy to your dear wife at last known address in Washington, and I think that if it is certified signed receipt, then you will have fulfilled the "service".

I also am broke in CA.  I don't know about any pro bono attorney's, and legal aid was a joke.  I couldn't get to see anyone to do with family law.  Then again, I live in the high desert.

I hope someone can give you more advice.  The service thing is something I'm not sure of.  You could talk to the sheriff in her area.  They can serve papers, if I'm not mistaken.


well I went to the court house today and found out that an attorney at legal aid takes the first 9 cases every morning so tomarrow bright and early I'll be there to see I I can get in on that. if not I have the forms to file myself. If anyone has anymore suggestions please post them.