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To Alec

Started by Ref, Apr 20, 2007, 10:11:30 AM

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"But then again Were guys... were all crazy and abusive and angry all the time"

Not correct, in our situation, BM has admitted in court to the judge that SHE was the abuser, SHE inflicted physical and emotional abuse on my husband (and her own siblings), he had to seek medical treatment and there are numerous police reports on file.  DH went to an abuse group for over a year to try and come to terms and deal with this sort of crazy person, and SHE got custody!  Now BM is lashing out physically and emotionally to the 16 year old child, have the courts done anything about this - no.  ITs not my DH that is on prozac for emotional issues, its not my DH that scored off the charts on her MMPI2 for a custody eval, but riddle me why an admitted abuser got custody when the courts order said that BF was afit and proper parent to raise the child............

Sorry, I got to rambling here, however I dont think any of us as humans with emotions have ever done or said anything in anger or hurt, I do not agree with Mr. Baldwin's comments - but I DO understand where he is comeing from.  Before condemming him and punishing him, however we need to find the root of the problem, and as a parent that has seen first hand the issues revolving around being denied access to your child(ren) , we must first correct that issue in order to refrain from the continued problems that occur as a result of the root of the problem.  Ms. Basinger should be promoting a healthy loving relationship between father and daughter, had she insisted that the child be availalbe to speak to dad then there would not be any issue, however instead of promoting this loving environment for the child, she victimized her own child for her own benefit, and then tookit a step further and let it leak to the media so that her daugheter will continually be reminded about this incident for the rest of her life, what parent will sacrifice their children to get the oneupmanship over the other parent?  THe answer is an alienator!


it was some terrrible stuff. I hope the child didn't actually end up listening to the VM. Hopefully Kim was enough of a parent to take the high road and keep her daughter from having to relive it.... Oh wait! She was way more interested in punishing Alec then taking care of Ireland. First of all, I don't believe for one second after all of the crap that she pulled that she was not responsible for leaking this tape.

I do put some blame on his shoulders. DH and I have recently wanted to flip out on SD and I can't tell you the mean names I have started coming up with about her in my head. We have managed to force a more adult reaction to her and her mom's craziness. Alec could not do that anymore and that is where he was weak and since hopefully learned from his mistake.

I put most of it on Kim's shoulders. The alienation. The manipulation through the courts. The violations of court orders. This was all to make him crack and to make him look bad and she did. Like I said, she should have taken the high road to protect her daughter but instead found it more pleasing to hurt him and didn't care how it would hurt Ireland.

My 2 cents


but the scales of being responsible for what happened IMHO are definitely heavier on her side.

IF she wouldn't have started the whole crapola, then I am willing to bet that he wouldn't have reacted this way.

So I ask -- did the court really already take away phone time?

And if so, WHY doesn't the court move this fast for other families?


But then again Were guys... were all crazy and abusive and angry all the time"

You must have missed the scarcasm in that statement...  

I don't feel like any of us are truly in his situation. We all have our trials and tribulations but This is national news. Do you think people in his position are used to getting treated like shit? NO. People usually bend over backwards for celebs and such. He probally has an ego like anyone of us most likely would. Listen to what he said. "you have embarresed me for the last time"  Normal parents don't say things like that. Were used to being embarassed by our kids... lol

I've dealt with the parental alienation in my own battle... that's my own little hell that I have to deal with. I don't however have every person in the united states talking about it.


I agree, that is why those well known celebs in CA can get off with murder and child molestation..........however, something had to bring the PAS to the public eye and perhaps something good can come of this.  I understaood your sarcasm, I was just making a point in our situation that the same time Mr. Baldwin is going thru this, my SS has been thrown around and whipped up on by his BM and nothing is done about it, not even the courts when she admitted 12 years ago in court on the stand that she was the abuser in the marraige and the judge awareded her custody, something went very awry there, and you know calling your kid a pig or beating his face, neither is right, but why is Alec Baldwin punished but not my SS BM?  


I don't have an answer for that...


In Va...when my ss was 13...his mom slapped him on his face - left a big hand print.  Now, dh was ncp at the time...and this was done in our yard.  Well, ss did not leave with her after this..and bm went to police.  They called and ss told them situation and asked about filing a complaint against her.  Police told him to come next morning..

They set him up!!  While he is filing a complaint in walks an officer as they had told bm he would be there and she went to court..and LIED saying dh had refused to bring ss home, when she was to pick ss up..and judge signed a pick up order on the spot.   Then, the when it went before another judge he said, "All children deserve to be slapped from time to time.."

And Alec got his rights taken for running his mouth...not fair people..