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Action Alert~Illinois. We CAN make a difference...

Started by MYSONSDAD, Feb 04, 2005, 06:12:18 PM

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>What also should be factored in is, who does the majority of
>driving? Who supplies Health Insurance?

I'm in NJ and seem to be doing ALL the driving right now to NY. It's a PITA and something that will be addressed in court soon. I'm also paying the healthcare bill of $700.00 per month. My wife & I communicate when the weather looks bad, and always setup some make-up time if I miss any visitation. Clothing is always returned to each other. I guess some people have it worse than me.




"Children learn what they live"


"Corrupt"... That's it in a nutshell, absolutely.  Illinois is one of the states where the LEAST amount of thought is put into legislation regarding Child Support.  The "Land of Lincoln" is merely the "Land of the Status Quo."  

Thanks for your post.


Hi Genie,

I do not know of any spouses in Illinois who have had their income considered for child support, but this is only because believe it or not, I do not have any friends in Illinois who are divorced.  (I live in South Carolina right now.)

As to your other question, DH's child is not in college yet, but will be graduating from High School in June.  According to two different attorneys, we are obligated to pay not only college costs but also living expenses until she gets a bachelor's degree - no matter how long that takes.

Best Regards,


I was personally involved in that case, the Franke case. I know the Dad very well. I helped him win his appeal to this ruling, doing it pro se.  The Illinois Apellate case reversed Judge Condon's ruling. Totally overturned it.

He had to post a bond to avoid jail time, that's how he avoided it. Also, in court, Judge Condon told Franke that he'd would garnish 100% of his paycheck as well, which I think is NOT legal to do!  There was so much wrong in what that judge did. Judge Condon was transferred soon after that hearing to criminal court.  


The only way Oprah and Dr Phill will get involved is if your a celebrity and are involved in a custody battle or have been recorded verbally abusing your child... from what I hear it's good for ratings...


>Genie, I appreciate your dialogue on this matter.  :)  I'm
>very glad to hear that your income has never been considered,
>and I hope it stays that way.  Here's a link with some info:
>Look carefully at paragraphs 4 and 6.
>The issue I have with Illinois is that if the NCP makes a lot
>of money, as my DH admittedly does, then the CP gets off
>without having to contribute one thin dime.  Honestly, having
>this kind of money rolling in has changed her and has made her
>totally blood thirsty for more...
>There are lots and lots of ways to calculate the actual cost
>of raising children, but our lovely legislature won't do that
>because it's too much work... Far easier (read "lazy") to say
>"20%, no exceptions!" and slam the gavel down.  DH and I have
>4 children of our own, and I could tell you almost to the
>penny what I spend on them each month.  I personally think
>that child support should be limited to $500.00 for one child.
> Assuming the CP contributes something, then any child could
>be WELL cared for on that kind of money.
>The thing with other states is that most of them consider the
>CP's income rather than just the NCP's.  I calculated our CS
>burden using North Carolina's method (just to see), and it
>came out that with all things being equal, we'd be paying
>$500.00 less per month in North Carolina...  That's nearly
>half as much as we're paying now!!  So I do think there are
>other states that have it more together than Illinois.
>Typically, the incomes of the bio parents aren't so far apart
>as ours are... If the CP makes a salary that's even in the
>same ballpark as the NCP, then it could be assumed that both
>parents are contributing to the support of the child.  But in
>our case, we've paid the entire bill for many years, and that
>has a tendency to make a person bitter and angry.  And to add
>insult to injury, Illinois statutes repeatedly state that BOTH
>parents are responsible for providing financial support for
>the child, yet in our case that just isn't so and nobody even
>wants to hear about it.
>And now... even though we've already paid much more than our
>fair share, they still won't remove their claws from our
>behinds... No matter how much we pay or have paid, it will
>never be enough... :(

$500 a month for one child?  That isn't enough.  In my state it doesn't even cover daycare costs for one month, let alone living expenses for the child.  And in my state, the cost of living is expensive.

Now, if I were to live in a low cost of living state, the living expenses may be a little lower.  Don't know about the daycare costs.  And since I am not planning on moving any time soon, I probably won't find out.  



>And not only are you correct on all of the above, you can
>also plan on turning over copies of your tax return every year
>so they can suck some more of your money in the name of CS.
>Funny how they won't give you time when visitation is

That must be something in your state.  In my state, child support comes up for review every 2 years.  And that is when both parties provide their financial info.  I can see requiring the prior years tax returns if one of the parties has regular overtime and decides to stop just before the hearing.  Then you would need that to determine actual income.  


Oprah and Dr Phil, whoever they are, is not relevant to the seriousness
of the cited reference material.