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I apologize

Started by maddad, Feb 22, 2004, 04:19:46 PM

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I am very sorry for upsetting the people whom I' offended. I am very frustrated with this situation and I do feel bad for things I have done.  I do think I should explain a few more things.  My wife has 3 kids of her own.  She made sure to get a court otder for support. I don't need a court to tell me to support my kids, but want to pay a fair amount and that  can only be done through the courts.  Ex has made mistakes, too.  She was arrested four years ago for a misdemener and I satyed there for her. She also had alot od jobs, going from one to another and now don't work. Why should I have to pay a huge amount because shes lazy?  I just hope this helps clear things up, again I am sorry


What concerns me more is why you did not see your child and stay active with her life. That for me is the bottom line.


I didn't spend much time because I was working nights and my ex didn't undersdtand how hard it was to be up so early. When I did get her she stayed at my moms, and ex would freak out, saying it was my time not moms. I would hope that the courts will take her troubles seriously, but my wife thinks they mainly will look at him since she is already the mom and I never conplained about it before. I also know that the state recommended the adoption, so how much will that help them? I realize that I only have excuses but there were times that I called and no one answered or returned my calls. my mom has even driven to their house and she was "at a friends" convienient.



Sorry hoss,

I dont buy it. I work nights,, and have for the last 14 years. I am also custodial dad to my kids.

I stand by my original statement,, why would you WANT to prevent your kids being adopted?? You dont pay support, you dont excercise visitation, you dont write letters . In essense, you aint their dad,, and another man has stepped up to the plate you couldnt be bothered with.

Ok, so what you gonna do?? Go to court and stop the adoption?? Start paying your child support,, I'd love to see the arrearage they slap onto THAT.

Indigo Mom

Helping this "lump" would be detrimental to the child, IMO.

Look at him.  He straight up admitted bailing on his child, not bothering to see her...not bothering to support her...and "now" he wants to "play" daddy....why?  Cause the step father wants to adopt her, that's why.  

Has nothing to do with the child...but about his "ego".  He's a big dorkhead who clearly thinks of no one but himself...and that, darlin, is NOT good for the child.  

I think this guy is about as "sincere" as my daughters father.  He sounds just like him.  Bails, then blames mom.  Bails, then blames mom.  Bails, then blames mom.  First thing he needs to do is be sincere about growing the f*ck up!!!!  

-----Your apology did say something. Everyone has a past and has made mistakes.-----

He apologized for offending people here...not for what he did to his child.  Notice there is a HUGE difference between the two.  Still...he ain't thinkin' about what he did to this child.  If he was "sorry" for bailing, he surely wouldn't be here now complaining about the mother...WHO...BTW...hasn't filed SHIT on him in the past few years, including child support.  

One thing that struck me as odd...was the state has stepped in and wants the step parent adoption.  Maybe it's different in "his" state, but here?  The state will have nothing to do with my husband adopting the kids....but I "do" find it odd, and believe there "might" be more to this story.  

This child is probably in a very stable environment, with a mom, and a step dad (i'll call him dad).  She hasn't seen her "bio" in a few years, her life is going ok.  Now, because he's an egotistical maniac, (IMO) he wants to disrupt all that.  Would be kewl if he was serious...but I don't think he is.

Look at what he wrote!!!!  

-----I realize that I only have excuses but there were times that I called and no one answered or returned my calls. -----

It's as though the child abandoner feels mom should be patiently waiting by the phone!  He bailed...he's gone...but he has the audacity to get mad that she wasn't by the phone? Give me a break!!!!!  WAH...the big crybaby!

The first thing he should do is grow up.  


This guy does have some major issues. If you read my first response, I am pissed he did not make more of an effort to see his child. Also stated that it is an excuse and the Judge will see it that way too.

But I am fully aware of how vendictive and ex can be. Delibertly doing everthing possible to keep the dad away. I can't understand why he did not do something before. Sounds like both made some pretty major mistakes and the kid is going to pay the price.


This guy does have some major issues. If you read my first response, I am pissed he did not make more of an effort to see his child. Also stated that it is an excuse and the Judge will see it that way too.

But I am fully aware of how vendictive and ex can be. Delibertly doing everthing possible to keep the dad away. I can't understand why he did not do something before. Sounds like both made some pretty major mistakes and the kid is going to pay the price.

Indigo Mom

I hope you don't think I was yelling at you!  But, now I'm gonna!  LOL

-----But I am fully aware of how vendictive and ex can be. Delibertly doing everthing possible to keep the dad away. I can't understand why he did not do something before. Sounds like both made some pretty major mistakes and the kid is going to pay the price-----

I absolutely 100% disagree...like TOTALLY!  The mom didn't do anything to him...because his first post said this:

-----We split at age 3 and ex got married. This guy was nice so I went on with my life. I didn't worry about the child because it was being taken care of fine. -----

Mom didn't do anything to him!  She didn't even give him the rope he done hung himself with...dude provided that himself, too!  He admitted to leaving the child because "it" was taken care of just fine.  

IOW...the new husband is great.  Not only is he "good enough" to BE a dad to this child, but he's "good enough" to support the child as well...because mom is a sahm not bringing in any income, and the "bio" doesn't support said child, either. But...he's not "good enough" to be given the rights and responsibilities he's taken upon himself for the past 2 years???  Sounds awfully egotistical, if ya ask me.  "dude, you go be my childs father, you support her, pay her insurance, buy her food, toys, school clothes...you provide 100% for her, you can love her, she can love you...but dont' you DARE think you're going to adopt her".  HUH?

Any blame needs to be placed on his head...not the moms.  I have to say, that in this particular case, the mom can't accept "any" blame for the child having no "bio" father.  Seems mom wasn't even given the opportunity to dick this guy around..he did it all himself.

And yes, I read your first post...LOL