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Father wants sole custody...mother bi polar

Started by SZA, Mar 24, 2004, 02:56:55 PM

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Hello I'm 20 yrs. old male and I'm in the military.  I had a girlfriend over here that is also in the military as well.  Well she's my ex now but we're having a child and she is not concerned at all about my feelings towards the relationship we once had.  She has cheated on me, has talked to her ex boyfriend telling him she loves him and misses him and sending him naked pictures as well.  I've kept giving her chance after chance but she always seems to either lie to me or hide things behind my back.  She's driving me insane and I can't be with her anymore.  She wants to take the kid away from me and move back to her home state which is 15 hours away from the military base I'm at.  I want to see my kid and raise my child so I want to fight for sole custody.  She is has Bipolar I Disorder and I have a lot of evidence against her to prove she would be an unfit mother.  Her medical records have stated that she has had depression that's been lasting 1 1/2 years now.  She was in a psychiatric hospital in '02 for depression and overdose on tylenol.  She also did self-mutilation (carving on wrists) in '02 as well.  She was hospitalized again in '03 for suicidal ideation and admission of uncontrolled tearfulness x 4 months, and an inability to contract for safety.  She's seeing psychiatrists for her Bipolar disorder.  She also has a pituitary tumor.  She's on a lot of medication as well but she can't take now because she is currently pregnant with our child.  She's also in debt, her credit is aweful and she can't even get a loan for a car payment at a bank.  I also have her ex boyfriend on my side because she has physically abused me as well as her ex boyfriend.  So I got proof of physical abuse in that category. I'm very afraid to try and fight for sole custody though because I'm afraid she'll come after me or do something real stupid with the child.  What I'm looking at is sole custody with supervised visits.  I really don't want to miss raising my child or missing my child's first step or first words.  She's brought me nothing but pain and sorrow.  All she can do is hurt me even more, she looks for ways to make my life miserable.  I still love her with all my heart but it is definitly not going to work between us.

What I need to know is what steps should I take to make this work out to my advantage?

And also....what are my chances of sole custody with supervised visits, or just sole custody?

The child is not born yet but will be in September.  She's still smoking while she's pregnant as well, which shows she really could care less what happens.  I don't want the child to be taken from me.  I got rights as well, and I'm tired of everything she's put me through.  I'll do whatever it takes and I want to raise my child the right way.  The child will be miserable with her.  Her family isn't too stable as well....her dad has been through 3 marriages and has panic disorder.  I think he's going to past away within the next few years.  She's told me her mother has abused her in the past.  Please help me out!  Thanks


if there are any questions you want to ask me let me know....and if there is anything that can help my case let me know as well...