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Started by simpleb, May 13, 2004, 08:28:03 AM

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I have been legally separated from my wife for about 1yr now.  We have been to mediation, parenting classes and pre-trial hearings.  Intially custody was never an issue, we had agreed on joint custody.

Here in the last 4 months things have changed that have made me a little concerned.  My ex has lost her job (she claims she was laid off but her co workers felt it was do to her excessive tardiness and lack of performance will on the job)and is currently unemployed, she has had her car reposessed and has no mobile phone or home phone.
In addition to all this mess she has been in drug rehabs in the past.  We have had drug testing but she always passed her tests.  Part of the mediation agreement was, the kids would alternate every week living with the other parent.  I have had to call CPS on her twice already for what I thought was neglect.

After no showing the last two hearings, we have our final trial hearing coming up in June.  She has no attorney and I have no attorney.  I need some advice on how to get custody of my kids for I fear she is abusing drugs again. I need some advice  


You may be in a much stronger position if you do so.  I know they are expensive, but getting the right lawyer could mean the difference between your kids living a questionable lifestyle with an unbalanced parent, or a stable lifestyle with a balanced one.


I had one but she sucked $5,000 out of me and it barely got me through  mediation.  I felt like I was taken advantage of and a little skepitcal now.