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Father took kids HELP!

Started by mpatriotgrl, Jul 07, 2004, 02:18:42 AM

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The father of my kids took them out of state w/o permission and filed for custody a little over a month of being in that state. He got temp custody of them and I want my kids back. There is no reason they should be with the father and his girlfriend.The girlfriend has 4 kids and No custody of any of them, why should she be around my kids if she can't be with her own?

I have a quite exstensive file if needed.I have been falsely accused of abuse none of which was ever proven, so why are my kids still with their father? The Iowa DHS found that my kids were coerced and manipulated by them, they are the ones abusing the kids not me.

There are two other kids involved in this matter, one not biologically his, but has his last name, and one biological child. I have these two in my custody. If you thought your kids were being abused you would take all of them not just half of them. I need help fast.


You need an attorney fast. Now. today!

If he was only in the state 1 month, can it be proved he didnt meet the residency requirements? Look into that.

Tips For Getting Started

How To Hire An Attorney

Hiring An Effective Attorney

Success Factors In Obtaining Custody


Suggestions When Falsely Accused

Dealing With Threats Of False Allegations

URL: http://www.deltabravo.net/custody/guide.htm

One of the first things you'll hear around here is "Document, document, document!". Having good records is *crucial*. Get yourself either the Parenting Time Tracker (PTT) at: http://www.deltabravo.net/custody/tracker.htm or the OPTIMAL Custody Tracking service at: http://www.parentingtime.net. The PTT is good, but the OPTIMAL service is definitely better.


did you have a court order in your home state prior to your ex filing in another state, if so that state has no juristution (sp) over the kids as he has only been there for 1 month.

Hire an atty NOW.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


Yes, I had custody before he took the kids. My home state Ohio gave jurisdiction to the father because he had an atty in court and I went pro se. I had an atty and he turned out to be a criminal he not only stole my money but at least 50 other people's. Everybody I talk to wants $5,000 up front, I dont have that kind of cash laying around. You all may have heard of the atty his name is Mark Steven Colucci. He was the fired anchor woman Catherine Bosley's atty too. Well thanks to all who responded.

Bolivar OH

What was the argument concerning the "legal grounds for changing custody"?

I am from OHIO and the law prefers keeping legal custody with the person who already has legal custody.  To convince the judge that custody should be changed, you must show that there has been a "change of circumstances" and that it is "in the best interest of the child(ren)" for custody to be changed.  If you cannot show this, then the judge will not change custody.


what would be grounds for a change in circumstances. The father and his girlfriend have moved 3 times since last June. They dont let me know phone numbers or address's for a few months. No info on schools. And first of all I had custody of the kids before he took them how can they just take it away and separate the kids like that. Like I said I still have the other two. If you ask me the Iowa court system isnt right. They moved from Tama to Marshalltown to Iowa Falls. Its like they dont want to stay in one place for too long. Also if the case is in Tama and they keep moving can I request the case be forwarded to Iowa Falls?