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Custody Trial Update-Looking GOOD!

Started by onedaddy, Jun 16, 2005, 08:24:35 AM

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First I little background...
Our custody trial began in December -04 after in Oct '03 BM requested supervised visistation for DH siting he had OCD and he was previously violent with her and commenced on a course of harrassment towards her and new husband.  Well, within the year, awaiting trial she had DH falsely arrested 2x, filed reports with CPS and made the children lie to everyone including the forensics evaluator.  She made DH get hair follicle drug tested even though she knew he never did a drug in his life and SF regularly threatened DH sometimes in front of the children, somethimes in court, etc.

BM also moved the kids 6x in 2 1/2 years without even informing DH as per court order and regularly denied him visitation and phone contact.

We found out SF had a long violent history spending some 5 years in prison and well over 20 arrests mostly for domestic violence, assaults arson and recently for patronizing a prostitue near the home he share with the kids. And DH brand new truck was mysteriously blown up in front of his old apartment.

Because of the above we had no choice but to fight for sole custody.  Things are moving quite slowly with BM giving 9 days of bullsh*t testimony but we kept impeccably records so things looked good,  we finally began our side.

The forenscs evaluation came out completely in DH's favor, stating BM used extremely poor judgement bringing SF into the home, BM has BPD and anti-social personality disorder and is a threat to the kids. She is now trying to fight this report she requested.

Things took a turn for the worse for BM yesterday.  At the end of our trial, BM complained of a migraine and left early, leaving her lawyer alone to finish cross examining me.  She did this because we had file a small claims case against her for the false arrests and she went there and adjourned the date.

When we finally arrived home last night, I received an email from SF stating, we should call him as a witness because we will definitely win. He has begun filing for divorce against BM and he has lots to say and wants to talk.  

This morning BM's lawyer sent an email that she had SF arrested early this morning, the kids are okay but did not call their father and they will ask for a restraining order but the kids will stay there with the maternal grandparents.

I don't think so!

Our lawyer is  trying to get in touch with the judge to see what she will do.  I will be disgusted if we get anything less than the children immediately moving here until the end of the trial.

BM moved very far away and they couldn't possibly finish the school year up if they are with us. They are  in kindergarten and 2nd grade and there is only one week left.



Whoaaaaa.  i really thought we were the only ones dealing with a couple of psychos!  We should PM each other!


I feel like I'm on Jerry Springer  or something.

PM me any time


Oh my gosh!  I agree, I though we were dealing with the ultimate psycho!!!  Good luck to you and if you ever want to chat with someone who has a BM almost as awful as yours, let me know!!!...


LMAO OMG I want to respond soo bad, cuuld I tell ya things.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


I would love to chat with and every one of you.

It helps me deal


This is therapy for me.  People who don't go through it have no idea!...


Well, the day after BM had SF arrested and her lawyer sent us a letter stating she would get a stay away order he is back in the house and the 2 went to SD dance recital together.  What the f****?

I can't wait for the judge to hear this one