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Educational placemet

Started by backwardsbike, Sep 14, 2005, 03:36:29 PM

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I was always in my son's school in the past.  But now tis is high school.  There just isn't that opportunity and he is in Vo-Tech all morning anyways.

The school has three copies of the court order.  All say I have joint legal.  They either are incapable of understanding what that means or they are so afraid of the X that they don't care.  X threatens to sue everybody and for some reason unbeknown to me, they actually believe he can do it even when it is plain to see there are no grounds.  I had to pay for our family counselor  to have a session with my attorney when X threatened her with a malpractice suit.  She was gonna dump us as clients!  She didn't want to take the chance of being sued!

I am convinced no one really cares about what is best for my son.  They just want to do whatever they can to get the X to shut up.  I mean why would you put a child in Academic English if he failed his midterm AND final the year before and say some ridiculous stuff about how he has such high achievement scores.  He sure didn't achieve on that midterm and final did he?

I am so sorry.  I am so angry because my son's needs are so far down the totem pole that they are mostly lost in all this.  And yes, son ir ridiculed for being in the special ed classes...by his Step Mother.  the discrimination comes from within his home-not from outside it.  No child should ever have to live with that.  the world can be cruel.  Your home should be your haven and not just the home you only get to visit every other weekend!


I feel your frustration.
YOU have your sons best interest at heart. Please don't give up.

I am so sorry for all that you are going through. I am at a loss at to what else you could do.

We have had so much success with having the CO on file. We did have a few bumps in the road and always took the Principal aside to discuss. They are now fine. In fact it is kinda hard, they call me for everything. I have to ask them to call BM on her time.

I am appalled (not the first time) that a SM would be so cruel to your son. It seems that your ex must condone it. He doesn't seem to think much about your DS best intrest in RE: to school.

Good luck!



My X doesn't think for himself period.  he depends on Sm to make all decisions.  Once my DD asked for a new pair of shoes as hers were too small.  he had to check with SM before he could buy them.  SM said the shoes were fine and DD was just lying to get a new pair.  DD then asked me for shoes and I bought them.  The old ones WERE too small.  He just never thinks forhimself.  Then when things go wrong he can say, "Well YOU made the decision.  it's your fault."  That's why I divorce him.

Yes, it si cruel the kids have to live with this kind of cruelty in thier own home.  But they will not be honest.  In the past when they were honest with a psychologist who was supposed tohelp them he reported every little thing to SM and dad and the kids were punished for telling certian things.  So now they don't do it anymore.  They just say what Sm and dad wantt hem to and count the days til they are 18 when dad tells them they will be thrown out of the house.  Maybe they will want to live with me then?


If you have the time, volunteer at the school. Your son doesn't need to be there. You aren't there to do for your son. You need to be there to impress the staff that you're not the villian that your ex paints you to be.

Volunteer at the library, the science lab, the office, wherever your talents can be best used. It doesn't have to be all day. I teach times tables to fourth graders who are behind. I am only there for about 45 minutes a day but it makes a big difference.

I am well known by the staff & nothing my son's ex said to them, when she used to try, made any difference because they knew me. She even went to the school board & demanded that they ban me from the school as I was disrupting her kids education. LOL The principle told the head of the board that he would give anything for more parents & grandparents to be so disrupting.

If the only you they know is the one that is there fighting to undo what her ex has done, then that doesn't paint a very pretty picture. Go show them the real you.

Good luck & God bless you.
You never get a second chance to make a first impression!