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Started by jaycer, Aug 02, 2009, 04:31:34 AM

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stbx went to jail for domestic violence the other night i'm starting  divorce paperwork have custody right now of 3 lil ones trying to find a dad friendly attorney in a little town called ellensburg washington is no easy feat! can anyone please tell me what next? how can i find a lawyer how much and what do i do now? lost in the sagebrush! do I let mom see kids? cant she just snatch em and go i have a temp restraining order but only for 14 days I want to get the ball rolling and start cutting ties help please!


You need to find out if your court has a self help center where you can file some stuff yourself. You need to file for emergency orders for custody first thing Monday, you should be able to see the judge the same day. Then go on your lawyer search.


All WA state forms are pattern forms and can be found online by going to:

http://www.washingtonlawhelp.org/WA/StateSubTopics.cfm/County/%20/City/%20/demoMode/%3D%201/Language/1/State/WA/TextOnly/N/ZipCode/%20/LoggedIn/0/iTopicID/862/sTopicImage/familyjuvenile.gif/bAllState/0 (http://www.washingtonlawhelp.org/WA/StateSubTopics.cfm/County/%20/City/%20/demoMode/%3D%201/Language/1/State/WA/TextOnly/N/ZipCode/%20/LoggedIn/0/iTopicID/862/sTopicImage/familyjuvenile.gif/bAllState/0)

There is also links to county by county specific court forms. I am not personally familiar with Ellensburg, but my hubby dealt with small town WA for the past 17 years. We live in Pierce, but SS lived in Whatcom county. Each county is a learning experience all its own.

Use the forms for divorce and child custody if you and Biomom were married. If not, use the "parentage" paperwork. Read through all the forms and fill them out as best you can -- think about how you can best serve the children's needs. Don't forget the CS forms.

IF the BM is a danger to the children, then think through how BM could resolve her issues and show she can properly and safely parent the kids. (e.g., drug rehab, parenting and anger management classes completed, whatever). Take these draft forms to meet with your attorney. Most will do an initial meeting for a reduced rate or for free (usully 15-30 minutes free.) Explain you need an ex parte motion and why. Be ready to hand over between $500 and $1500  for just the ex parte motion. If you are not ready to retain them, then they may be fine for just the initial filing while you seek other representation. If they won't go into court without a contract, make sure it says that this is only for the ex parte motion and that any additional agreements are not considered in this contract. Be clear in what you expect them to do. I suggest you have an attorney file the ex parte, because if you mess it up you cannot undo it. You don't have the time to learn to represent yourself and you need to get it right so you have time to prepare.

After you get that attoreny going on the ex parte motion, start searching for your "real" attorney. Interview several. If they have no passion for it, you will likely not get a positive outcome.

Read the articles on this site about how to hire an attorney. Then the one about what to put in a parenting plan. Educate yourself quickly.
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.


Wow! had the weirdest best worst day ever! Thank you both for your help. I really appreciate it. Now to explain that comment. Got home from a visit with friends in longview wa left fri. afternoon before stbx was arraigned on the dv charge got back today and the house which should have been safe was CLEANED OUT! pictures off walls childrens clothes shoes business computer even a friggin scented candle! omg are you serious? on top of that stbx breaks glass on the bed rips drawers out of dressers oh yeah cleaned out fridge and both freezers noooooooo seriously! any way we get back noticed this stuff called the sheriffs office and lo and behold she admits to doing all this! admits it does any one here think she got arrested? Nooooooooo no she did not she said she didn't know she wasn't supposed to be here or do that.........whatever. s/o gives her the okey dokey don't do that again and bring back some of the stuff k wink wink! Since when Does breaking a TRO breaking and entering vandalism and malicious mischief deserve a pat on the back and go about your business have a good day? OMFG!!!! I will be in the clerks office with paper work in hand when they open I guess. What NEXT what more can she get away with?

However in the bigger picture found an awesome lawyer on this web site she has helped me so much hasn't asked for a dime and stays on the phone and has helped me fill out paper work and actually has just been a great help lol won't take my case but has steered me to another really tough men's attorney. please keep all your comments and tips and help coming! thank you


hey jaycer- looking at your post, translaated most of it (new at the abbreviations on this site), but please tell me you filed a police report of the missing items-- get a report for a record of missing items (file a police report, adn if someone's arrested, so be it) so you have paper trail to back you up in the future....i've learned that too mush paper documentation is always a good thing