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50/50 but she is relocating

Started by michigan father, Sep 14, 2009, 06:05:37 AM

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michigan father

ok here is the deal have 50/50 joint physical. represented myself but had written a stipulation and agreement up wich she signed prior to the hearing wich made it legaly binding. 50/50 was put in order but soon later we found ourselves back in court.

there was the possibility of molestation occuring with her and her new boyfriend. our daughters doctor after 4 weeks of visits concurred something has been going on but we couldnt prove anything until she can talk. our daughter was 4 months premature and is behind on her speech. other issues of overnight guest with her boyfriend was also ignored by the courts even though i had doceumented it , neighbor who witnessed it and took pictures even.

turns out the judge is life long friends with my ex`s grandmother, goes to dinner with her and what not. the judge realy railed me in court as far as schooling goes. our daughter because premature had physical therapy , occupational therapy and another form of school to help her catch up to her age group. i never missed taking our daughter to these classes. her mother missed every day for 6 months. the judge not only told me but put it in our custody order that it was now my full responsibility to take our daughter to school even during her mothers week of visitation. the judge then brought up the fact i had requested a 4 hour visitation period during the other parents week, asked her how she felt about this and she said it was an inconveinance to have to have her on her week off. so the judge teels her she does not have to relinquish our daughter to me at any time during her week of visitation but if i do not take her to school he will hold me criminaly punishable for breaking his order.

the judge follows up by sating to her "no over night guests" then tells me and places in our custody order i am not to watch stalk or follow her in any way and if i can prove she has an over night guest then thats what i am doing and he will hold me criminaly punishable again.

ok im not sure but i feel the judge should have stepped aside on this case due to a confl;ict of interest. my ex told me herself of the relationship between her grandmother and the judge. Does any of this sound like a sensable court hearing or am i correct that i was wronged on this?

now for the current problem, the ex tells me she is getting married to this guy she has been seeing for the last 2 1/2 months and moving almost 70 miles away. the joint custody will work only until our daughter hits the age of 5 where she will then begin school. at that point she is posotive she will be granted full custody due to the biased actions of the judge.

What recourse do i have? petition for a change of venue in a town where there is only 1 judge seems senceless. the fact that the deciscions by the judge are poor or seemingly so from my point of view. the fact she has known this guy for less than 3 months and is getting married, moving to a town where she has no friends or family nor does this guy she is marrying, it will essentialy null the joint custody order we follow now and remove our daught a large distance from her brother, friends and other supportive family members makes it all a very unstable environment for our daughter. all this and more than i care to type at this time are factors. factors i know the judge will completely ignore as he did the last time.

we have 50/50 custody because both parents deserve thier children even if they dont deserve one another. unfortunately she has planned and attempted since day 1 of ways to remove our daughter out of my life.

ANY SUGGESTIONS WHAT SO EVER PLEASE I NEED SOMETHING IM DROWNING HERE AND ONLY A TWIG IS FLOATING BY. I WILL GRAB THAT TWIG . MY CHILDREN ARE MY LIFE i know people say that all the time and dont mean it but i do. i have already lost a wife and 2 children to a car accident when i was deployed to the middle east i cannot afford to lose another child to a woman who has but 1 concern and thats to spite me not to care for our child.