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Count Down!!

Started by jakerr, Oct 26, 2009, 05:32:11 AM

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I want to thank the poster who sent me the email. Well we are down to count down and I am becoming more stressed. But I am sure allot of you have been in my shoes.

There has not been a aord in the other camp. I spoke to my att and he stated that everything looks good. I have done everything asked of me in order to keep my little girl. Mother still has not moved back nor has she done a thing to help her situtation. I have had temp custody for three months and we have gotten a rountine down and document everything.

I have prayed and prayed that this will go in my favor. But I also realize that things could go her way. Everyone tells me that since I got temp custody so fast that I have a good shot at keeping her. I hope that they are right .

Please offer any advise to help with the stress or last minute ideas of things that will help . Maybe something that I have forgotten.

Thanks Jason 

Kitty C.

I can't offer you anything but prayers that everything goes well.  As for the stress, just do whatever works for you, whether it be walks, warm milk, meditating, or whatever makes you happy.  Just focus on your child and you will be fine.  One thing I don't recommend is caffeine or alcohol...neither one has good effects on stress, if you know what I mean.

Let us know how it goes!
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


Was that you pacing the hall today at the courthouse!!!!! LOL. I spoke with a father in a similar situation.

You are ok. Don't let this own you. Yes this is beyond stressful. I can't begin to explain the stresses, but know that I do understand.

You are doing very well keeping your head above water. Keep doing that!!!!!! Let us all know how this turns out.


Let the court know that you are her parent in every sense of the word.  You feed her, change her, bathe her, etc.  Be proud of all you do for her, that will help you be strong and confident.

Wishing you all the best!