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Went to court today.

Started by superdad01, Dec 14, 2009, 03:28:21 PM

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So I go to court today for hearing at 1:30pm and my attorney just got my ex's response this morning to our petition.

Over half of what we had down she could neither admit nor deny. and leaves me to my proofs

As some of you may know I have an extensive parenting time plan in place with parenting time on a near daily basis. I am trying to upgrade my parenting time into a shared custody week on/week off plan. My goal is to eliminate the daily back and forth as I feel this would be very beneficial to the child.

Her first complaint to this was this would disrupt the child's living environment. Where child sleeps etc. Although she sees her dad daily. She seems to have no thoughts on disrupting that father daughter relationship.

The ex counters this by asking the court to eliminate my daily parenting time and give me just the standard every other weekend and 2 weeks in the summer. She claims the child never does her homework because she is with me. I did not have the opportunity to address this accusation. Every time I have asked for homework I get the door slammed in my face. She claims that a few months I was working 2nd shift and unavaible for my daily parenting time OUr child did much better in school. Although it was not part of my petition (so I could not address it in court. I have child's report card which shows excessive days she was absent and tardy.

I am trying to get a share of transportation. Simply because ex has a history of not being home at drop-off. and I would like to tie that into the first right of refusal. Simply if she is not avaible to pick up the child at the scheduled time then she is odviously not avaible.

She also wants to eliminate the first right of refusal. (I have numerous complaints against her for refusing to follow it.)

We want to her to cover child on insurance or pay a portion of my expenses for health coverage which are $38/week. She reports the child is on Medicaid..... (she is a registered Nurse)  My intent is for her insurance to cover anything my insurance does not.

We are trying to impute her at a RN wage because that is what she is. I'm pretty sure she has worked in the hospital before and quit that position. She now works part time at a home health care nurse. The judge did remark that their are alot of opportunities for Nurses right now.

So at the end of the day we were sent to the FOC for a recomendation. Which I assumed was going to happen. Not really a let down because I now know how the system works and hopefully it works for me this time around.

Any suggestions on the ex trying to eliminate my daily parenting time would be greatly appreciated.


your on the right path....


God I hope so..... I don't know what I would do if I could not spend time with my little girl daily. Of course I know my daughter would be greatly affected by this as well.

I think mom is launching a direct assault on my parenting rights.... Her trying to eliminate my days is a direct form of payback for bringin her back to court.

I can't see the FOC being happy about taking a paycut though.... lol so this is why I think they would not reccomend a shared parenting time agreement.