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Custody Help Needed

Started by evalisto2005, Feb 15, 2006, 12:22:40 PM

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Okay, BM's bogus order of protection is going to be squashed soon

and my lawyer for my custody case is doing what needs to be done.

BM will have to go through the judge(s) that are handling our

custody case if she wants to try to get an OP again. BM's lawyer will

not say what any of her allegations are any more unless there;s

proof because he found out that he wasw lying for her under oath

and he's  scared that he could lose his law license.

I have to get a child representative (same thing as guardian at litem

(sp.?)) and a psychiatrist do do evals. My county may offer help as

far as getting a child representative but I can't afford to get one

myself and I can't afford a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist/evaluator is

what I need to win the case but it'd be about $16k total for all the

evals and a few other things involved. My family is scared to put up

their house to get a loan because they think things will keep

dragging out again. My lawyer says that the "good ol' boy judges"

will probably give me joint custody b ut not sole custody, but

a psychiatrist/evaluator would get me custody. My lawyer filed an

emergency motion for custody but doesn't think that I'll get it. She

thinks that the courts will just be looking over BM a lot.

My son keeps getting pneumonia and going to the ER because BM

won't take  him to a doctor, she won't get help for his

developmental delays, she lives with her mother that sells crack and

is out on bond for it, and there are so many other serious things.

My lawyer kept trying to get the case back in front of the judge that

handled the case in the beginning because he favors fathers but he

said another judge can handle it. I'm on disability because of

fibromyalgia and the condition can keep me from working. My lawyer

did say though that if I get and keep a job that will better my

chances of winning custody by 150% so I'm working on finding work

that I can do. My lawyer that is handling BM's OP case said that I

should move the case to BM's county because there the judges

aren't "good ol' boys" and that county handles cases quicker.

My lawyer for the custody case has to wait to do some things

because in BM's OP case it will be proven that BM keeps committing'

perjury to keep me from having visitation and to conceal my son's

medical information. Some of the proof is on voice mails from BM to

me and voice mails she left for a woman that she had try to frame

me, and that woman sent me the voice mails. They make it obvious

that BM is lying and even tried to have a woman frame me for

domestic battery or attempted murder and the murder of an unborn

child that never existed (I was never charged and I won't be).

Is there anything I can do? I can't come up with the money I need

and I have no idea what I should do.