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Parenting and Jail

Started by mustrelax, Jan 22, 2006, 01:25:24 PM

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After 18 years of marriage it went down the drain.  The X had an affair with another woman, divorced me, married her, (live in MA).

Long story short, the divorce decree states 50/ legal and physical custody.

I got in trouble about two years ago.  Charged with A and B and sentenced to 9 months in jail.  Served 90 days and released on parole.

I now have a menial job until i get my license back and parole is over (May).  I do have my two children every weekend.  

I have kept current on all child support since my incarceration.  My ex is threatining to take the children out of state because she cannot afford MA.  The kids do not know this.  She has basically asked for double child support If I want the kids to stay in state so I can have my weekends with them.

I have been besides myself and just trying to get by since this whole mess.  She tells me that she now has SOLE CUSTODY since I went to jail and am on parole.  She states I have no visitation rights and she is letting them see me on weekends to "be nice".

I know I have to contact a lawyer ASAP.  Possibly an Emergency Restraining Order to prevent her to take them out of state.

I do not have many assets, (120k), living with family until parole is over, (a few more months).

I never received any court notification that I lost any custodial rights when I went to jail.  I certainly can understand that I may have, just have no clue.

I will consult with a lawyer once I save some money.  My assets are tied up in a home I am selling.

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Also, she is using a lot of PAS against me.  It seems to be working on my 12 year old, but not on my 10 year old.

Thank you very much.



Any change to your custody/visitation rights should have been served to you. We serve people every day in jail, so I doubt there is any truth to her statement.

It is not up to your ex to determine the changes you noted...loss of custodial rights/visitation or increase in child support. She can request all of these, but they MUST be approved by a judge.

Please post your specific questions on SOCS board. He may be willing to guide you through the process of filing the EO, preventing a move away pro-se.



How the hell are you!!!

Don't see you around much anymore. I really do miss the SAM chat.

I wonder what happened to the couch, the remote and the Pole!!!

Those were the days lol!

The Witch
Remember . . . KARMA is a Wonderful Thing!!!!!


Doing good...thanks for asking.

The SAM couch and remote are being carefully guarded, and in constant use.

Perhaps TAP has a handle on the other item you mentioned?


Hey MrR !!

Good to hear you're well !!!   And TAP ...whoa !!



Hey Davy,

If my aging memory serves me, you were the one who shared the info on having a Judge recused. If so, I owe you a huge Thank You!



I bet those in chat knew of your daughter's apparent success that complimented your consistent fortitude.   Let me offer a belated congrats to both of ya'll while hoping for continued joy.  

Again, good to hear from ya !!!